mldonkey copied to clipboard
option ED2K-port not found
~/.mldonkey # mlnet --ED2K-port 12345
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.6 ...
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [cO] Language EN, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 102400
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [cO] MLDonkey is working in .
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [Gettext] Loading language resource mlnet_strings.en_US.utf8
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [cO] loaded language resource file
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [DNS] Resolving [download.carl.home] ...
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [DNS] Resolving [] ...
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [dMain] Libmagic file-type recognition database present
2019/06/02 08:14:22 [cO] Logging in ./mlnet.log
option [ED2K-port] not_found in donkey.ini
Fatal error: exception Not_found
and? do you expect it to work? why?
Since the "--ED2K-port" option is listed in the mlnet help menu, so it is supposed to work.
0:0:0 download:~ $ mlnet --help | grep -- --ED2K-port
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.6 ...
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [cO] Language EN, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 102400
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /home/carl/.mldonkey
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [cO] creating new MLDonkey base directory in /home/carl/.mldonkey
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [cO] loaded language resource file
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [DNS] Resolving [download.carl.home] ...
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [DNS] Resolving [] ...
2019/06/04 07:06:33 [dMain] Libmagic file-type recognition database present
--ED2K-port <string> : The port used for TCP connection by other donkey clients. UDP port = port + 4. (current: 20533)
However, it does not.
what if you keep defaul one in config, then the one at command-line will override?
Yes. Command line arguments should override settings in config files. That's exactly other command line arguments (except those starting with "ED2K-" or "BT-") work.
are you saying that ED2K port option is in config file? Can you show the full config? And sysinfo
for completeness.
Let me put it in simple way. There is a bug of parsing command line arguments in mlnet.
The correct logic is: If '--ED2K-' prefixed in the argument option, then remove "--ED2K-" part from the option name, and look for the rest (the "port") in the donkey.ini file.
Take "--ED2K-port" as an example, mlnet should look for "port" parameter in donkey.ini file, not the "ED2K-port" parameter.
I can confirm the issue with the option parsing. My understanding of OCaml is quite limited but I succeeded to make a working PR.