
Results 26 comments of ygean

@John1231983 It's worthy to make a test, I will update new result after job done, pls keep watching.Thanks.

The new [test result](https://github.com/zhouyuangan/SE_DenseNet#conclusion) has updated. I will [release train and test code](https://github.com/zhouyuangan/SE_DenseNet#todo) in a few days.

@GMXela Can you upload to google drive?

Please add documentation about training that I am interested in that can validate training scripts @isamu-isozaki

> Ok! Training seems to work. Here's a [wandb run](https://wandb.ai/dsbuddy27/vqgan-training/runs/4htz42s7?workspace=user-isamu) on cifar 10. In 6gb vram, command to run this is > > ``` > accelerate launch train_vqgan.py --dataset_name=cifar10 --image_column=img...