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Adaptor trimming
Hi Yoshinori, I am trying to trim adaptors from ONT reads: Do we just use the flags --adapter_5 ADP5 --adapter_3 ADP3? I have used this: for s in $(cat samples_ont.txt);do longQC.py sampleqc -x ont-rapid -o ${today}OntQC_results/${s} LRfastqs/${s}.fastq.gz --adapter_5 ADP5 --adapter_3 ADP3 --trim_output ${today}OntQC_results --ncpu ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} done
- I keep having the error IsADirectoryError: Is a directory: '20220405OntQC_results/barcode02' Thanks, TJ
Hi @tbazilegith,
Sorry for a late reply due to my schedule these days. Re. your query, let me clarify.
and --adapter_3
options can be used when you'd like to remove non-default sequence(s), and expected input is a real sequence. Example would be --adapter_5 "ATATATGG"
, and LongQC will search ATATATGG in 5' end, and remove if it is detected.
As you chose -x ont-rapid, the default behavior is finding and then trimming a below sequence from just 5' end: "GTTTTCGCATTTATCGTGAAACGCTTTCGCGTTTTTCGTGCGCCGCTTCA". No adapter search will be conducted for 3' end in ont-rapid
if --adapter_3
option is not specified.
As I haven't followed ONT adapters for a while, kindly let me know if there have been some updates for ONT adapter. I'm happy to update sequence in a next version :)
Also, by default trimmed reads are not saved by LongQC. When you need such a file, please specify a path for trimmed read file using --trim_output
I hope this helps.