object_detection_metrics copied to clipboard
Object Detection Metrics
This project was forked from rafaelpadilla/Object-Detection-Metrics.
Development of object_detection_metrics
happens on GitHub: https://github.com/yfpeng/object_detection_metrics
The latest object_detection_metrics releases
are available over pypi.
Getting started
Installing object_detection_metrics
$ pip install object_detection_metrics
Reading COCO file
from podm import coco_decoder
with open('tests/sample/groundtruths_coco.json') as fp:
gold_dataset = coco_decoder.load_true_object_detection_dataset(fp)
from podm import coco_decoder
from podm.metrics import get_pascal_voc_metrics, MetricPerClass, get_bounding_boxes
with open('tests/sample/groundtruths_coco.json') as fp:
gold_dataset = coco_decoder.load_true_object_detection_dataset(fp)
with open('tests/sample/detections_coco.json') as fp:
pred_dataset = coco_decoder.load_pred_object_detection_dataset(fp, gold_dataset)
gt_BoundingBoxes = get_bounding_boxes(gold_dataset)
pd_BoundingBoxes = get_bounding_boxes(pred_dataset)
results = get_pascal_voc_metrics(gt_BoundingBoxes, pd_BoundingBoxes, .5)
ap, precision, recall, tp, fp, etc
for cls, metric in results.items():
label = metric.label
print('ap', metric.ap)
print('precision', metric.precision)
print('interpolated_recall', metric.interpolated_recall)
print('interpolated_precision', metric.interpolated_precision)
print('tp', metric.tp)
print('fp', metric.fp)
print('num_groundtruth', metric.num_groundtruth)
print('num_detection', metric.num_detection)
from podm.metrics import MetricPerClass
mAP = MetricPerClass.mAP(results)
from podm.box import Box, intersection_over_union
box1 = Box.of_box(0., 0., 10., 10.)
box2 = Box.of_box(1., 1., 11., 11.)
intersection_over_union(box1, box2)
Official COCO Eval
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
coco_gld = COCO('tests/sample/groundtruths_coco.json')
coco_rst = coco_gld.loadRes('tests/sample/detections_coco.json')
cocoEval = COCOeval(coco_gld, coco_rst, iouType='bbox')
Implemented metrics
- Intersection Over Union (IOU)
- TP and FP
- True Positive (TP): IOU ≥ IOU threshold (default: 0.5)
- False Positive (FP): IOU < IOU threshold (default: 0.5)
- Precision and Recall
- Average Precision
- 11-point AP
- all-point AP
- Official COCO Eval
Copyright BioNLP Lab at Weill Cornell Medicine, 2022.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, this is free and open source software.