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MessagePack for CLI (.NET/Mono) RPC

MessagePack RPC for CLI Readme

What is it?

This is MessagePack RPC for CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) implementations such as .NET Framework, Silverlight, Mono (including Moonlight.) This library can be from ALL CLS compliant languages such as C#, F#, Visual Basic, Iron Pyhton, Iron Ruby, PowerShell, C++/CLI or so.


See wiki

How to build

For .NET Framework

  1. Install recent Windows SDK (at least, .NET Framework 4 Full Profile and MSBuild is needed.) Or install Visual Studio or Visual Studio Express.
    1. If you want to build unit test assemblies, install NuGet.
  2. Run: msbuild MsgPack.csproj Or open MsgPack-RPC.sln in your IDE and run build command in it.

For Mono

Open MsgPack-RPC.mono.sln in MonoDevelop and build it. (You might be able to build via xbuild.)

See also

Wiki : Issue tracker : MSBuild reference : (You can see translated version by changing "en-us" to some locale as you like (e.g. "ja-jp".) Mono xbuild reference :