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Any special needs for bigger components like `v-data-table`?

Open DukeFerdinand opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Hi! I referenced in the main yew repo that my company is going to be using Yew for some internal tools, and I think the work I'm doing can, and should, be ported over here.

We're currently running a Vuetify app for our internal management system, and the data table is just too slow with the amount of things we need on screen. I've already done a lot of work porting our version of v-data-table to yew, and far it's FAST. I'm very interested in giving that back to the community.

For reference, it takes about 15-20 seconds in production to render 250 of our rows on regular Vuetify, but in my (admittedly unoptimized) yew data table project, it takes only maybe 1-2, and most of that is serde deserializing the 250 row JSON payload or WASM taking a second to load.

Is there anything special I should do for a big component like the data table? That touches quite a few components, but it's mostly internal ones like headers, rows, controls, etc.

DukeFerdinand avatar Sep 07 '20 20:09 DukeFerdinand

I'm no maintainer, but would be interested to have a look. Maybe just start a PR and then continue discussion on that?

niclashoyer avatar Nov 03 '20 22:11 niclashoyer