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[AAAI2024] FontDiffuser: One-Shot Font Generation via Denoising Diffusion with Multi-Scale Content Aggregation and Style Contrastive Learning

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when ”Combined with InstructPix2Pix “ releasing ?

Thank you very much for your work, I am very interested in this, but I would like to ask whether there are experiments to prove that this model can be...


用Git Bash运行**D:\FontDiffuser-main\**的时候报出如下错误: > l257737602 MINGW64 /d/FontDiffuser-main > $ sh > D:\Users\limin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\kornia\feature\ FutureWarning: `torch.cuda.amp.custom_fwd(args...)` is deprecated. Please use `torch.amp.custom_fwd(args..., device_type='cuda')` instead. > @torch.cuda.amp.custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float32) > D:\Users\limin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\accelerate\ UserWarning: `log_with=tensorboard` was passed... > **After the phase 2 training**, you should put the trained checkpoint files (unet.pth, content_encoder.pth, and style_encoder.pth) to the directory phase_1_ckpt. During phase 2, these parameters will be resumed....

Hello @yeungchenwa , Thank you for your excellent work on the FontDiffuser project! I am very curious about how you combined FontDiffuser and InstructPix2Pix. I have tried different text prompts...

First, thanks for open soucing your amazing work. Two weeks ago, I commented below an [existing issue]( requesting for the script, but you might have missed my comment. It's been...



作者大佬们好,非常感谢你们的工作! 关于训练我有两个问题。 1、假如说有草书、楷书两个主要风格的笔记训练,我将他们混合到一起进行训练效果好,还是说进行分类后再单独生产效果好呢? 2、训练时loss值有推荐的区间不