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A full-featured URI handling library compliant with RFC 3986.


A generic URI parser in Rust that strictly adheres to IETF RFC 3986.

crates.io CI license

  • Fast: Zero-copy parsing. Observed to be 2x ~ 25x faster than common URI parsers in Rust.
  • Easy: Carefully designed and documented APIs. Handy percent-encoding utilities.
  • Strict: Parses every possible URI defined in the RFC and denies anything else.

API Docs | Discussions

Features & Examples

  • EStr (Percent-encoded string slices):

    All components in a URI that may be percent-encoded are parsed as EStrs, which allows easy splitting and fast decoding:

    let query = "name=%E5%BC%A0%E4%B8%89&speech=%C2%A1Ol%C3%A9!";
    let map: HashMap<_, _> = EStr::new(query)
        .filter_map(|pair| pair.split_once('='))
        .map(|(k, v)| (k.decode(), v.decode()))
        .filter_map(|(k, v)| k.into_string().ok().zip(v.into_string().ok()))
    assert_eq!(map["name"], "张三");
    assert_eq!(map["speech"], "¡Olé!");
  • Three variants of Uri for different use cases:

    • Uri<&str>: borrowed; immutable.
    • Uri<&mut [u8]>: borrowed; in-place mutable.
    • Uri<String>: owned; immutable.

    Decode and extract query parameters in-place from a URI reference:

    fn decode_and_extract_query(
        bytes: &mut [u8],
    ) -> Result<(Uri<&mut [u8]>, HashMap<&str, &str>), ParseError> {
        let mut uri = Uri::parse_mut(bytes)?;
        let map = if let Some(query) = uri.take_query() {
                .flat_map(|pair| pair.split_once_view('='))
                .map(|(k, v)| (k.decode_in_place(), v.decode_in_place()))
                .flat_map(|(k, v)| k.into_str().ok().zip(v.into_str().ok()))
        } else {
        Ok((uri, map))
    let mut bytes = *b"?lang=Rust&mascot=Ferris%20the%20crab";
    let (uri, query) = decode_and_extract_query(&mut bytes)?;
    assert_eq!(query["lang"], "Rust");
    assert_eq!(query["mascot"], "Ferris the crab");
    // The query is taken from the `Uri`.
    // In-place decoding is like this if you're interested:
    assert_eq!(&bytes, b"?lang=Rust&mascot=Ferris the crabcrab");


  • [ ] URI building.
  • [ ] Reference resolution.
  • [ ] Normalization and comparison.
  • [ ] Host: IDNA encoding and DNS syntax checking.