AudioBookConverter copied to clipboard
Clicking "Start" Does Nothing
Using the current Steam build. The start button is unresponsive. Reinstalling doesn't seem to fix it.
Hi, what OS do you use? Will you be able to share logs?
Windows 10, and sure! Where would I find them?
For current steam version for windows C:\Users%USERNAME%\Application Data\AudiobookConverter-6.0.0\AudioBookConverter.log
Additionally/Alternatively you may upload your files to some cloud storage and share with me, so i could reproduce.
Link to files could be sent to my username @ gmail
Got it! Here's one: AudioBookConverter.log
Having the same issue, worked ok then START just didn't do anything. Windows 11 64bit and 6.0.1 Github download. Installed older 5.6.2 (Github) and that's working just fine.
Having same issues with 6.0.1
Having the same issue, worked ok then START just didn't do anything. Windows 11 64bit and 6.0.1 Github download. Installed older 5.6.2 (Github) and that's working just fine.
I have not tested window 11 yet. Probably it's time.
I had this issue today. Figured out that there was a track tag on the mp3 that was messing it up (was track 1/436) even though it was a single mp3. I put the file in mp3 tag, reset the track number, then tried again and it converted fine.
@ClassH36, which version did you use for this? Just to reconfirm you had mp3 with tag exactly "track" (not "track number") and this tag contained "1/436" and it prevented conversion to start?
Version 6.1.0 The track field was 1/436 instead of a normal whole number. The only thing I changed was to change it to 1 in MP3 Tag and saved the tags back to the file. Reloaded it and worked fine. I had tried reloading and restarting multiple times and that 1 file would not process until I did that.
@ClassH36, thanks a lot will try to reproduce. 1/436 -is actually not unusual thing, iTunes saves tracks information this way.
However, my concern that Mp3 Tag actually fixed other tags (implicitly) rather then track field was a problem... If you could do me a favour, and share this ORIGINAL file via some cloud link or directly to my username at gmail (unless it's something sensitive)
That seems likely. I just reproduced it with the orginal file, however the start button does bring up the window to rename, when you hit ok it just sits there. So maybe this is slightly different problem? I will send you a link directly. I also didn't see the track number was truncated by the size of the text field. Track was actually 1/4294967295
I found what causing this issue, as 4294967295 can fit into integer, so, long number should be used. This will be fixed, but more importantly error at this stage was causing program to break w/o clear message. So, i will have a look in more detail how to make it more robust against incorrect tags or just errors at tag parsing phase.
Moving comment to #424 as the more current thread...