You could already do this by combining the `where` and `length` filters. For your example you could do: ``` {findings | where: 'VulnType == "Info"' | length} ``` There are...
Do you use specific networking configuration like proxy or else ? Because when adding findings a websocket handles the refresh on the sidebar so it's normal to not see the...
No solution was found at this moment. The 2 directions that could be worked on would be: - a chart implementation in PwnDoc interface and conversion to an image to...
There is the `findings[i].identifier` index which is an ID incremented when adding findings.
It seems the index is included in default docxtemplater expressions which was added in the latest versions. This should work when updating docxtemplater module
This is an issue with your template. I guess you are trying to call substring on a variable that has undefined value
Hello, Can you provide information on why moving the `mongo-data` folder would be necessary ? This would have an impact on every user updating the app with the need to...
{@} tags need to be on its own line. Your example will work like this: ``` {#findings} {#affected == ''} TODO EMPTY AFFECTED {/affected == ''} {@affected | convertHTML: 'AffectedResources'}...
Yes this repo is still maintained. This PR should have been closed as it was already possible to do what was wanted
Is it still not working ? I just tried with a fresh install with node-lts at version 20.13.1 and I did not have the node-waf error