Play-Videos-In-HDFS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Play-Videos-In-HDFS copied to clipboard

This project realizes playing videos storing in HDFS(Hadoop) in the web page online.在线播放HDFS中视频文件


This project realizes playing videos storing in HDFS(Hadoop) in the web page online. 这个工程实现了在网页中在线播放存储在HDFS(Hadoop)中的视频文件的功能。

Introduce 介绍

In some existing methods: WebHDFS/streamFile require that HDFS Clusters be exposed in public network and WebHDFS can't fast forward. HTTPFS Gateway can't fast forward too. This Project use web server as a gateway.HDFS Clusters don't need to be exposed in public network and it supports fast forward. 在已有的一些方式中: 使用WebHDFS/streamFile方式必须将HDFS集群暴露在公网,其中WebHDFS无法快进。 使用HTTPFS GateWay方式无法快进。 本工程使用web服务器作为网关,无需将HDFS集群暴露在公网中,同时实现视频快进。

Usage 用法

1、Modify the ip address and port in into the namenode's IP and port. 2、Modify the fpath parameter in http://localhost:8080/HDFSVideoDemo/stream?fpath=/test.mp4 in MyStream.html into the HDFS path of the video file you want to play. 3、Deploy the web project in a web server and start it. 4、Visit http://localhost:8080/HDFSVideoDemo/MyStream.html in a browser. 1、将com.constants.Constans.java中的ip地址和端口号改为您Hadoop集群中主节点的IP地址以及端口号(默认为9000)。 2、将MyStream.html中video标签中的url:http://localhost:8080/HDFSVideoDemo/stream?fpath=/test.mp4 中的fpath参数改为您Hadoop集群中视频文件的路径。 3、将工程部署在web服务器并启动。 4、访问http://localhost:8080/HDFSVideoDemo/MyStream.html即可。

Notice 注意事项

1、This project use the new label

Screenshot 截图
