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Requs syntax idea: remove the numbers in use case flows
These numbers can be considered redundant because:
- They can be easilly assigned during XSLT transformation using position() XPath function.
- They often lead to compile errors that are hard to analyze, see #58.
- They complicate wtiring of use cases because each time you want to insert a new flow in the middle of the list you must add +1 to all numbers above it.
Probably, the only purpose these numbers serve is to refer to main UC flows in alternate flow declarations. But there we can still use reference by position even after numbers are removed from flows. Maybe this approach will be less evil than problems with numbers I listed?
Well, you answered your own question. If we skip the numbers, how will we refer to them in alternative flows? We will use some "fictitious" numbers, which will easily be changed when someone adds a new step inside the main flow. Alternative flows will point to new steps, and nobody will notice.
So, we won't remove numbers, but this explanation should be added to the documentation. Thanks
@yegor256, thank you for your answer. I will keep the issue opened then, until the documentation is updated.
I'm aware of the task, give me some time to find a developer...
@antonxt many thanks for the report, I topped your account for 15 mins, transaction 39896703
@yegor256 this task is yours, please help (see our key principles of work). If you have any technical questions, don't hesitate to ask right here
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@davvd assign someone else pls
@davvd assign someone else pls
@yegor256 30 points was deducted from your rating
@davvd assign someone else pls
@yegor256 OK, I will try to assign someone else