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My blog about computers, written in Jekyll and deployed to GitHub Pages

DevOps By

jekyll Availability at SixNines Hits-of-Code My YouTube My Twitter My Telegram

This is my blog:

My book 256 Bloghacks explains how this blog is built and maintained.

The blog is built during deployment in this Docker image.

You are welcome to submit corrections to this blog. In order to do that, you will need Ruby 2.3+, Bundler, and PlantUML installed. Then, run this:

$ bundle update
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

In about 3-4 minutes of building you should be able to see the blog at http://localhost:4000. Make your changes and refresh the page in the browser. If everything is fine, submit a pull request.

If it doesn't work (for some reason), do it via Docker (I assume /code/blog is where the sources are):

$ docker run -it --rm \
  -v "$(readlink -f /code/blog):/b" \
  -p 4000:4000 --host= \
  yegor256/blog-image \
  'cd /b && bundle update && bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts --future'