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Failed to create a Shapefile following the GDAL Vector API tutorial
I used an example I found in the tests following the GDAL Vector API tutorial to create a very simple shapefile. The MEMORY
driver works fine, but when I try to write the same data down to a file:
ArchGDAL.create("test.shp", driver=ArchGDAL.getdriver("ESRI Shapefile")) do dataset
layer = ArchGDAL.createlayer(
name = "point_out",
dataset = dataset,
geom = GDAL.wkbPoint
ArchGDAL.addfielddefn!(layer, "Name", GDAL.OFTString, nwidth = 32)
featuredefn = ArchGDAL.layerdefn(layer)
ArchGDAL.createfeature(layer) do feature
ArchGDAL.setfield!(feature, ArchGDAL.findfieldindex(feature, "Name"), "myname")
ArchGDAL.setgeom!(feature, ArchGDAL.createpoint(100.123, 0.123))
I get the following stack trace (in a jupyter notebook).
Failed to set feature.
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] macro expansion at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/ArchGDAL/j9NPL/src/utils.jl:14 [inlined]
[3] setfeature! at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/ArchGDAL/j9NPL/src/ogr/featurelayer.jl:443 [inlined]
[4] createfeature(::var"#70#72", ::ArchGDAL.IFeatureLayer) at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/ArchGDAL/j9NPL/src/ogr/featurelayer.jl:490
[5] (::var"#69#71")(::ArchGDAL.Dataset) at ./In[48]:9
[6] create(::var"#69#71", ::String; kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,ArchGDAL.Driver,Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:driver,),Tuple{ArchGDAL.Driver}}}) at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/ArchGDAL/j9NPL/src/context.jl:216
[7] top-level scope at In[48]:1
[8] include_string(::Function, ::Module, ::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1091
[9] execute_code(::String, ::String) at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/IJulia/rWZ9e/src/execute_request.jl:27
[10] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/IJulia/rWZ9e/src/execute_request.jl:86
[11] #invokelatest#1 at ./essentials.jl:710 [inlined]
[12] invokelatest at ./essentials.jl:709 [inlined]
[13] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /home/guillem/.julia/packages/IJulia/rWZ9e/src/eventloop.jl:8
[14] (::IJulia.var"#15#18")() at ./task.jl:356
Is this a bug or is it anything I am missing?
Thanks a lot for your work!
Thanks for giving it a spin! Yeah I can reproduce your example -- unfortunately it looks like a limitation of the shapefile driver in GDAL:
julia> ArchGDAL.create("test.shp", driver=ArchGDAL.getdriver("ESRI Shapefile")) do dataset
layer = ArchGDAL.createlayer(
name = "point_out",
dataset = dataset,
geom = GDAL.wkbPoint
Dict{String,Bool} with 18 entries:
"SequentialWrite" => true
"DeleteField" => true
"IgnoreFields" => true
"FastSpatialFilter" => false
"DeleteFeature" => true
"FastFeatureCount" => true
"StringsAsUTF8" => true
"CreateGeomField" => false
"ReorderFields" => true
"MeasuredGeometries" => true
"FastSetNextByIndex" => true
"CreateField" => true
"RandomWrite" => true
"RandomRead" => true
"CurveGeometries" => false
"FastGetExtent" => true
"Transactions" => false
"AlterFieldDefn" => true
One possibility is to create the dataset in memory first, before writing it out as a shapefile, e.g.:
julia> ArchGDAL.create(ArchGDAL.getdriver("MEMORY")) do dataset
layer = ArchGDAL.createlayer(
name = "point_out",
dataset = dataset,
geom = GDAL.wkbPoint
ArchGDAL.addfielddefn!(layer, "Name", GDAL.OFTString, nwidth = 32)
ArchGDAL.createfeature(layer) do feature
ArchGDAL.setfield!(feature, ArchGDAL.findfieldindex(feature, "Name"), "myname")
ArchGDAL.setgeom!(feature, ArchGDAL.createpoint(100.123, 0.123))
ArchGDAL.write(dataset, "test.shp", driver=ArchGDAL.getdriver("ESRI Shapefile"))
Thanks! That's exactly what I needed.
This trick of using a MEMORY dataset seems to be needed quite often. I guess in this case it was the "CreateGeomField"
capability? Perhaps it's good to reopen this issue as a reminder to document it. On there is nothing about feature dataset creation at the moment.
Yeah agreed, while the design of ArchGDAL is supposed to be permissive with what's possible, it's important to have well-trodden paths (without having to tailor to the particularities of individual drivers) for users who are just looking to get common tasks done.
I just tested the code shared above and I noticed that the geometry is created without name. Is there a way to set up the geometry name? Should the driver do this automatically?
ArchGDAL.create(ArchGDAL.getdriver("MEMORY")) do dataset
layer = ArchGDAL.createlayer(
name = "point_out",
dataset = dataset,
geom = ArchGDAL.wkbPoint
ArchGDAL.addfielddefn!(layer, "Name", ArchGDAL.OFTString, nwidth = 32)
ArchGDAL.createfeature(layer) do feature
ArchGDAL.setfield!(feature, ArchGDAL.findfieldindex(feature, "Name"), "myname")
ArchGDAL.setgeom!(feature, ArchGDAL.createpoint(100.123, 0.123))
ArchGDAL.write(dataset, "test.shp", driver=ArchGDAL.getdriver("ESRI Shapefile"))
prueba ="test.shp"))
AG.getlayer(prueba, 0)
# Layer: test
# Geometry 0 (): [wkbPoint], POINT (100.123 0.123)
# Field 0 (Name): [OFTString], myname
I also got an error when trying to use GPKG driver. It seems like it is trying to write raster data. Any suggestion?
ArchGDAL.create(ArchGDAL.getdriver("MEMORY")) do dataset
layer = ArchGDAL.createlayer(
name = "point_out",
dataset = dataset,
geom = ArchGDAL.wkbPoint
ArchGDAL.addfielddefn!(layer, "Name", ArchGDAL.OFTString, nwidth = 32)
ArchGDAL.createfeature(layer) do feature
ArchGDAL.setfield!(feature, ArchGDAL.findfieldindex(feature, "Name"), "myname")
ArchGDAL.setgeom!(feature, ArchGDAL.createpoint(100.123, 0.123))
ArchGDAL.write(dataset, "test.gpkg", driver=ArchGDAL.getdriver("GPKG"))
# ERROR: GDALError (CE_Failure, code 6):
# Only 1 (Grey/ColorTable), 2 (Grey+Alpha), 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) band dataset supported