If a calendar is being served on Radicale, and somebody subscribes to that calendar, will Radicale push changes to events to people? For example, an event is created and scheduled...
1) There is a docker-compose.yml security update 2) This produces v0 CIDs, can you update to produce more recent version? 3) Can you verify your CIDs against alternative IPFS...
MuWire's explainer videos are helpful, but they are published on non-Free Youtube. Please make this content available on a Free platform, like LBRY. It is easy to import a channel...
Thank you for releasing your fun crossword code under a free licence. Please consider supporting deployment of this application on Sandstorm: Sandstorm is a SaaP (Software as a Platform)...
PROBLEM Many .zim files, eg for Wikipedia, are huge. If you wish to update your wikipedia zim, you must re-download everything. This takes time, uses lots of bandwidth, means that...
Could you please consider including integrated support for publishing / pinning Hastebin pasted text onto IPFS (Inter Planetary File System)? There are some paste projects which accomplish this already, which...
Downloaded and unzipped mucats. Installed Java 1.8.0_281-b09 Ran the command `gradlew clean publish` Received the following error: `Downloading ................................................................................. Welcome to Gradle 5.1.1! Here are the highlights of this...