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🔥简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
帮忙留一下公司名称和公司官网地址,例如: 常青藤爸爸 www.ivydad.com
EventsImp::loop函数中,先行调用idleConns_.clear()清除掉空闲链接,lst地址已释放。 然后调用函数 void EventsImp::unregisterIdle(const IdleId &id) { trace("unregister idle"); id->lst_->erase(id->iter_); } IdleId的构造依赖于lst的地址 IdleId(new IdleIdImp(&lst, --lst.end()));, 此时调用unregisterIdle指向的是非法指针
libhandy_s.so:对‘handy::port::gettid()’未定义的引用 libhandy_s.so:对‘handy::createPoller()’未定义的引用 libhandy_s.so:对‘handy::port::getHostByName(std::string const&)’未定义的引用
客户端代码: #include "handy/ssl-conn.h" int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { using namespace handy; Logger::getLogger().setLogLevel(Logger::LTRACE); EventBase ebase; Signal::signal(SIGINT, [&]{ ebase.exit(); }); SSLConn::setSSLCertKey("server.pem", "server.pem"); TcpServer ss(&ebase); int r = ss.bind("", 1002); exitif(r,...
Currently master CI doesn't work, which will introduce unintended PR merging. Let's remove travis and use Github action as CI workflow.
Hello, I have a http API to process too many time task, then I need to process other API, so is it support multi-thread for http server?