Jingbo Xu
Jingbo Xu
as titled. Proposal: maybe a token/secret configured/generated on the k8s service, and then the exposing service via grpc should check the authentication? refs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/ https://grpc.io/docs/guides/auth/
as titled, proposed by Longbin. Needs to further discuss its pros and cons.
背景 ----- `Operator` 是 `Kubernetes` 的扩展软件,它利用 [custom-resources](https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/) 管理应用及其组件。 `Operator` 允许你在不修改 `Kubernetes` 自身代码的情况下,通过为一个或多个自定义资源关联[Controller](https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/concepts/architecture/controller/) 来扩展集群的能力 `Operator` 的开发是为了处理 Kubernetes 控制器无法处理的复杂、有状态的应用程序。虽然像 `StatefulSets` 这样的 `Kubernetes` 控制器非常适合部署、维护和扩展简单的无状态应用程序,但它们无法处理对有状态资源的访问,或者无法升级、伸缩和备份更复杂的集群应用程序(如数据库)。 了解更多关于 `Operator` 的细节: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/ GraphScope 的 `Kubernetes` 部署方式是复杂,有状态的部署,我们希望通过 `Operator`...
Summer of code 2022 is coming! This year, we have 4 projects published on OSPP, with two in medium difficulty and two in hard. You may also checkout the tasks...
a template project for users to develop apps with SDK - [x] C++ - [ ] Java
see details in https://github.com/alibaba/GraphScope/security/dependabot
背景 ----- GraphScope的交互式图查询引擎(GIE)支持对Gremlin查询自动进行分布式、并行化的处理。下一阶段我们将基于[Hiactor框架](https://github.com/alibaba/hiactor)提升GIE处理高吞吐交互式查询的能力。 Hiactor是一个基于actor高并发模型的异步引擎框架。目前Hiactor的集群方式是静态集群,即所有节点必须在任务启动前显式指定,不支持节点的动态注册。因此集群无法动态扩展,并且单个节点failure后也无法恢复(新节点无法加入集群)。我们需要为Hiactor框架设计并实现一套新的集群机制。 更多关于Hiactor框架的细节,请参考:[https://github.com/alibaba/hiactor](https://github.com/alibaba/hiactor) 难度 ------- 进阶 产出要求 ------- (1)Hiactor集群的动态节点注册机制 (2)支持节点的failover 导师 ----- @LiSu : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Proposal **get edges/vertices as dataframe** ```python # return all edges, if g has only one label of edges, or g is a simple graph # otherwise, raise an error; #...
Background ----- A Session encapsulates the environment in which the `Operation` is executed, which contains a set of `Operation`s, as well as the `Graph`s and `Application`, `Context` resources behind the...