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Bad Session Error
Periodically I see this errors
YdbStatusError(YdbStatusError { message: "Operation { id: \"\", ready: true, status: BadSession, issues: [IssueMessage { position: None, message: \"Session not found: ydb://session/3?node_id=1025&id=Y2JlZWIxNTEtNTdkYzE0NTktZDM0NDg4MjYtYWQ5ZjVmODM=\", end_position: None, issue_code: 0, severity: 1, issues: [] }], result: None, metadata: None, cost_info: None }", operation_status: 400100, issues: [YdbIssue { issue_code: 0, message: "Session not found: ydb://session/3?node_id=1025&id=Y2JlZWIxNTEtNTdkYzE0NTktZDM0NDg4MjYtYWQ5ZjVmODM=", issues: [], severity: 1 }] })
In this function
pub async fn find(&self, cookie: &Cookie) -> Result<Option<User>, YdbOrCustomerError> {
let result: Vec<User> = select!(
query!("select user from cookie_users where cookie=$cookie", cookie=>cookie),
user => Bytes)
Hello, can you expand select! and query! macroses?
BadSession is retriable status and retry_transaction must retry query with new session if your callback return YdbError::YdbStatusError with BadSession status.
cause of the messages can be:
- Bug in SDK - and SDK not retry the error.
- Bug in macros - if macros return from query callback Custom Error instead of original YdbError (then retrier can't detect original error for retry)
- End of retries timeout (small retry timeout and/or many died session on server side).
macro_rules! select {
($ydb:expr, $query:expr, $($name:ident => $type:ty),* ) => {{
$ydb.retry_transaction(|mut t| async move {
let query_result = t.query($query).await?;
let result_set = query_result.into_only_result()?;
let result:Vec<_> = result_set.rows().map(|mut row| {
let $name:Option<$type> = row.remove_field_by_name(stringify!($name)).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
macro_rules! query {
($sql:expr) => {{
($sql:expr, $($name:ident => $value:expr),*) => {{
let mut query = String::new();
let mut params: std::collections::HashMap<String, ydb::Value> = Default::default();
let value = &$value;
let name = stringify!($name);
let type_name = $crate::converters::YDBValueConverter::get_type_name(value);
let ydb_value =$crate::converters::YDBValueConverter::to_ydb_value(value);
params.insert(format!("${}",name), ydb_value);
query.push_str(format!("declare ${} as {};\n",name,type_name).as_str());
ydb::Query::new(format!("{}\n{}",query, $sql)).with_params(params)
End of retries timeout (small retry timeout and/or many died session on server side).
I use standard timeout, and service is not highload yet
May be problem in NeedRetry::IdempotentOnly? I already understood what not :-)
I add tracing to retry_transaction for understand what happens.
Can you add tracing/logging to your program (example), update ydb to version 0.3.0 and show log?
Hi, I have small holidays. I do it in few days.
Also I open my library for all - https://crates.io/crates/ydb-steroids