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dev: Enable linters
Full list of disabled linters in golangci config (note: golangci version fixed as v1.55.2):
- [x] #918
- [x] #919
- [x] #920
- [ ] #921
- [ ] #922
- [x] #923
- [ ] #924
- [ ] #925
- [x] #926
- [x] #927
- [x] #928
- [ ] #929
- [ ] #930
- [ ] #931
- [ ] #932
- [x] #933
- [x] #934
- [x] #935
- [ ] #936
- [x] #937
- [ ] #938
- [x] #939
- [ ] #940
- [ ] #941
- [ ] #942
- [x] #943
- [x] #944
- [x] #945
- [x] #946
- [x] #947
- [ ] #948
- [x] #949
- [ ] #950
- [ ] #951
- [x] #952
- [x] #953
- [x] #954
- [x] #955
- [x] #956
- [x] #957
- [ ] #958
- [x] #959
- [ ] #960
- [x] #961
- [x] #962
- [x] #963
- [x] #964
- [x] #965
- [ ] #966
- [x] #967
- [x] #968
- [ ] #969
- [x] #970
- [ ] #971
- [ ] #972
- [x] #973
- [ ] #974
- [x] #975
- [ ] #976
- [ ] #977
Lines of golangci output per linter
9 forbidigo
9 interfacebloat
12 structcheck
21 errname
36 inamedparam
36 maligned
39 contextcheck
42 maintidx
66 gocognit
66 wsl
78 ifshort
90 containedctx
93 testableexamples
156 gomnd
165 forcetypeassert
204 cyclop
210 thelper
278 funlen
297 testpackage
315 gochecknoglobals
389 dupl
417 golint
948 scopelint
1014 goerr113
1077 ireturn
1392 nonamedreturns
1503 godot
1608 paralleltest
2469 wrapcheck
2988 exhaustivestruct
3066 varnamelen
3156 exhaustive
3495 depguard
3816 exhaustruct
Need to update configs to last version of golangci-lint (v1.59.1) and fix any changes of checks list