deSALT copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault error
Hi I am running desalt2-1.5.4 on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS with 376G of RAM and 72 CPU cores with the following command
~/repos/deSALT-1.5.4/src/deSALT aln desalt_index 191023_m99.fastq.gz -t 48 -x ont1d -o 191023_m99.sam
This fastq is 41G (nanopore promethion cDNA sequencing. I have run the same command successfully on my 11 other fastqs of varying sizes (18G-52G).
For this file I get the following error:
[Skeleton-generation] Generating skeletons of 655350 reads, total 313525203 bases in 24.326855 seconds Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Hi, I encountered the same error while aligning. The desalt version is 1.5.6 running on Ubuntu 18.04 device with 128 RAM and 8 CPU cores. The commend is as following:
deSALT aln -t 8 -l 14 -a 6 -L 33000 -I 30000 -g 30000 -x ont1d -f tmp/ -s 1 -c 10 [ref] [input.fastq.gz]
The input size is 1.3Gb. The other thing weird is the commend above could work on a 1.6 Gb input file.
The problem could be solved if the -l parameter were up-adjust to 15.