Yan Cheng Cheok

Results 47 issues of Yan Cheng Cheok

### Description Describe your issue here. ### What type of issue is this? (place an `x` in one of the `[ ]`) - [ ] bug - [ ] enhancement...

Hi @divyanshub024 , I have searched for a really good drawing library, to be used in note taking app project (Is a closed source project) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yocto.wenote One of the...

Hi @divyanshub024 I was wondering, do you have any plan to add the following feature as a part of your library? What my current use case is 1. Load an...

Hi @divyanshub024 I just modified your drawing library, to support older API up to 15. Not sure you are interested to make it part of your official release? Thank you...

Instead of entrypoint: flower command: -A tasks --port=5555 --broker=redis://redis:6379/0 in `docker-compose.yml` It gave me error > C:\flask-celery-docker-scale-master>docker-compose up monitor > flaskcelerydockerscalemaster_redis_1 is up-to-date > Recreating flaskcelerydockerscalemaster_monitor_1 ... done > Attaching...

Hi Beryu, I would like to propose a fix on animation. The problem will become more obvious, if I increase the height of custom view, and make the animation time...

Hi, I can understand why `ActionSheetItemView` is required throughout the code. With `ActionSheetItemView`, this enables us to perform `itemContainerView.addSubview`, even before we initialise `itemContainerView.frame`. I was wondering, is it possible...

现有的代码如下 https://github.com/zhihu/Matisse/blob/master/matisse/src/main/java/com/zhihu/matisse/internal/model/SelectedItemCollection.java#L172 String cause; try { cause = mContext.getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.error_over_count, maxSelectable, maxSelectable ); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) { cause = mContext.getString( R.string.error_over_count, maxSelectable ); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { cause...

### What did you do? I have 2 rows. The column is defined as "searched_string" TEXT one is with row is with empty value another row is with NULL value...

Thank you for providing such useful framework. Currently, our requirements are - Providing an emoji picker - Support Google emoji only - Will only run in Android I notice by...