Yan Cheng Cheok

Results 31 comments of Yan Cheng Cheok

I tried to further describe the problem if anyone interested to know more Before pressing ENTER --------------------- ![0](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/308276/37866801-86e289ec-2fca-11e8-852d-a02f9d4af1d2.png) After pressing ENTER (Cursor is ignoring `lineSpacingMultiplier`) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ![1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/308276/37866802-8d1e4012-2fca-11e8-9bc9-546330bd99e0.png) Start typing (Cursor...

I think the reason is that, when first time click is being performed, `searchtoolbar` is not inflated yet. Hence, its dimension is not available. I would suggest using the following...

Hi @divyanshub024, If you're interested to pick up this patch, please use `app:tint` instead of `android:tint` for `ImageView` XML tag. Please kindly refer to https://github.com/yccheok/AndroidDraw/commit/63f5283bb655a1dfdd29b172253dfc043104a0df https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19500039/how-to-use-selector-to-tint-imageview-in-android Thank you.

The original repo doesn't come with an explicit TAG To use it in Jitpack, it is preferable to first fork, then tag 1.0.0 My only question is, which commit node...

Hi @sberrevoets , Sorry for late response as these few days I have been busy dealing with CoreData related issue. Let me show you a real-world use case, on how...

Yes. I know the issue, and me neither have any solution. Regarding Google Translate, its quality is still hardly on-par with human translator. I use it as a tool to...

我的猜想应该是可以从这里下手。 https://github.com/yccheok/CalendarView/blob/2.2/calendarview/src/main/java/com/haibin/calendarview/CalendarLayout.java#L328 可是,我还不知道如何直接把 CalendarView import as source ,好让我可以一边修改,一边调试。我先试试看,再给回馈。 有任何宝贵意见,欢迎提出。谢谢。

我做了个简陋的解决方案。 就是在滚动 CalendarLayout 时,我确保 ViewPager2 不能被滚动。 ``` class NoteFragment implements CalendarLayoutListener @Override public void action(int action) { if (viewPager2 == null) { return; } if (action == ACTION_MOVE) { viewPager2.setUserInputEnabled(false);...

这是我快速解决方案。欢迎指教。至于为何 ViewPager 和 ViewPager2 会有不同的行为,还是未知数。 https://github.com/yccheok/CalendarView/commit/7400b844ce99ffa36b9f35b2b7976c24decc13c6

The above is the crash log, when integrating `SwipeCellKit` with `UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource` The `SwipeController` will perform `collectionView?.deleteItems` Not exactly sure, how we can execute our own custom deletion code.