gigaset-elements-proxy copied to clipboard
Hassio Addon: not connecting to Mosquitto Addon when using loopback IP/Host
The Mosquitto Broker does not receive MQTT messages from the Gigaset elements proxy.
Setup: Home Assistant 0.100.1 Hassio Supervisor 189 HassOS 2.11 Gigaset Elements Proxy Add-on 1.2 Mosquitto Broker Add-on 5.1
I created a new user "gigaset" in the HA user administration, which I also used in the add-on config of the element Proxy:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password;)",
"check_events_interval": 10,
"mqtt_url": "mqtt://localhost:1883",
"mqtt_options": {
"clientId": "gigaset",
"username": "gigaset",
"password": "donttellanybody"
"allow_unknown_events": false
The log of the proxy doesn't show any (e.g. authentication) error:
[Tue Oct 22 2019 10:27:26] [LOG] acquired event: {"id":"9fca34723794fd141241b359e55c41ee2b7976ee","state":"ok","ts":"1571732840809","type":"close","o":{"frontendTags":{"room":{"roomName":"Arbeitszimmer"}},"friendly_name":"Arbeitszimmerfenster","id":"0335ab9b16","factoryType":"umos","type":"um01","umosConfiguredType":{"mainType":"window","subType":"regular"},"room":{"id":75665,"friendlyName":"Arbeitszimmer"}},"source_id":"BB4BC9AAA262EEABA32021A066F0B043","source_name":"base","source_type":"basestation","state_pre":"ok"}
[Tue Oct 22 2019 10:27:26] [LOG] event sent as mqtt_topic: gigaset/Arbeitszimmerfenster, value: false
But when I subscribe to the topic "gigaset/Arbeitszimmerfenster" or "gigaset/#", nothing happens. No messages, no error messages in the Mosquitto logs. Just nothing.
Try mqtt://localhost
instead of mqtt://localhost:1883
I've tried it without port number with the same result. No messages and unfortunately not even an error message.
You could also try mqtt://yourlocalipadress
But it seems like there is a different issue. I'm sure @ycardon will help you.
After changing the mqtt_url to my local hostname, it looks promising:
19-10-22 13:48:42 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on d8fd2d64/armv7-addon-gigaset with version 1.2
19-10-22 13:48:47 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.auth] Auth request from core_mosquitto for gigaset
19-10-22 13:48:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.auth] Success login from gigaset
"localhost" and "" (as documented) did not work. One have to specify at least the Hostname or IP of the broker.
Well, it does work with localhost when you are not using it as a Hassio add-on (which uses docker networking: localhost from within a docker container is not the "host" localhost)
I keep the issue open until I put some works in the doc !
(which uses docker networking: localhost from within a docker container is not the "host" localhost)
@ycardon could you explain that bit more? Is it not the „host“ localhost because it’s not in the same container?
yes, it could be clearer :)
When you are using docker, you must consider that each container is a (virtual) server.
on Hassio architecture, MQTT broker runs inside one container, gigaset-proxy runs inside an other container: everything happens as if they were running on different servers, so you cannot use localhost and must use explicit IP addresses
without Hassio, MQTT broker and gigaset-proxy run on the same server so you can use localhost
Better explanation ?
Better explanation ?
Perfect explanation, thank you!