Yash Bhutwala
Yash Bhutwala
@maceip thanks for getting back, but I'm still running into the same issue even after your commit was merged to master.
We are known to have issues on specifically at least`c6i.4xlarge` and `m6i2xlarge`. These are: - https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/issues/11415 - https://www.coincashew.com/coins/overview-eth/guide-or-how-to-setup-a-validator-on-eth2-mainnet/part-i-installation/synchronizing-time-with-chrony - https://www.reddit.com/r/ethstaker/comments/ilr1ma/keeping_systemtime_accurate/
Expose current sync committee and next sync committee per pubkey in the validator prometheus metrics
@ajsutton @rolfyone any updates on this? which release is this in?
Expose current sync committee and next sync committee per pubkey in the validator prometheus metrics
This does not even have to be per pubkey, just need to know per VC process whether or not (binary) it has any validator keys that are currently in sync...
Expose current sync committee and next sync committee per pubkey in the validator prometheus metrics
Thanks @rolfyone for following up! Prysm already implemented something in line with what you're thinking first pass here: https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/pull/11860
now seeing: ``` E0109 21:47:48.069061 22 orchestrator.go:181] manifestID=00d83c9a-1f21-4ee9-bf73-48dfe09fd53e seqNo=5585 orchSessionID=c6923ca0 clientIP= sender=0xc3c7c4C8f7061B7d6A72766Eee5359fE4F36e61E Error receiving ticket sessionID=c6923ca0 recipientRandHash=bbd6e3b0e0f155b740284a07cada8cb71ea4e3b5d7fd6dcb0f503b86be0e8d35 senderNonce=5: invalid ticket senderNonce sender=0xc3c7c4C8f7061B7d6A72766Eee5359fE4F36e61E nonce=5 highest=6 E0109 21:47:48.069115 22 segment_rpc.go:101] manifestID=00d83c9a-1f21-4ee9-bf73-48dfe09fd53e seqNo=5585...
Wondering about progress on this given Weaveworks shutting down