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Awesome Bioacoustic
By Yann Bayle (Website, GitHub) from LaBRI (Website, Twitter), Univ. Bordeaux (Website, Twitter), CNRS (Website, Twitter) and SCRIME (Website).
Very personal list of references on bioacoustic, which is under construction. It references mostly signal processing and machine learning scientific articles and datasets but also contains media-related post. The list is for my academic work but feel free to contribute!
- BirdVox Projet
- [PDF][Datasets] - Fusing Shallow and Deep Learning for Bioacoustic Bird Species Classification, J. Salamon, J. P. Bello, A. Farnsworth and S. Kelling. ICASSP 2017.
- Bird detection in audio: A survey and a challenge
- Bardeli, R., Wolff, D., Kurth, F., Koch, M., Tauchert, K. H., & Frommolt, K. H. (2010). Detecting bird sounds in a complex acoustic environment and application to bioacoustic monitoring. Pattern Recognition Letters, 31(12), 1524-1534.
- [PDF][Dataset] Vincent Lostanlen and Justin Salamon and Andrew Farnsworth and Andrew Farnsworth and Juan Pablo Bello. Birdvox-full-night: A Dataset And Benchmark For Avian Flight Call Detection, ICASSP 2018.
- Towards the Automatic Classification of Avian Flight Calls for Bioacoustic Monitoring
- Bird Migration Interactive Maps
- Audio-only Bird Species Automated Identification Method with Limited Training Data Based on Multi-Channel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Bird species identification via transfer learning from music genres
- See the Millions of Places Migrating Birds Have Gone—in One Gif
- Scalable Preprocessing of High Volume Bird Acoustic Data
- Red-winged blackbirds
- Bird Audio Detection Challenge (BADC)
- Code for one submission to the BADC by Karol J. Piczak
- LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task
- Deciphering the dawn chorus
- Evaluation of various feature sets and feature selection towards automatic recognition of bird species
- Computational Bioacoustic Scene Analysis
- GPU-based Training of Autoencoders for Bird Sound Data Processing
- Active Learning for Bird Sounds Classification
- Birdify: le projet d'un Shazam pour les chants d'oiseaux
- A Shazam but for bird calls?
- Stacked Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Bird Audio Detection
- [Code][PDF] Using deep learning to build an audio classifier to recognise birdsong
Underwater bioacoustic
- Extreme diversity in the songs of Spitsbergen's bowhead whales
- Sound samples from Youtube
- Humpback Whale Baby Boom Near Antarctica (May 2018) - On why it is important to track whales with bioacoustics
- Click reception in the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): Effects of electrode and contact transducer location on the auditory brainstem response (April 2018)
- Unknown beaked whale echolocation signals recorded off eastern New Zealand (April 2018)
- Song recorded near a super-group of humpback whales on a mid-latitude feeding ground off South Africa (April 2018)
- Comparison of passive acoustic soniferous fish monitoring with supervised and unsupervised approaches (April 2018)
Human medical
- Lung sounds classification using convolutional neural networks (May 2018) - CNN > MFCCs