Iain Barnett

Results 45 comments of Iain Barnett

My quick and dirty solution was to use an ENV var: ``` unless ENV["NO_DB"] # Cleaning the database config.before(:suite) do DatabaseCleaner.orm = "sequel" DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation #Sequel::Migration.descendants.each{|m| m.apply(DB,...

That looks similar to the errors I got running the project just now: ``` $ python -m convoviz Welcome to ChatGPT Data Visualizer ✨📊! Follow the instructions in the command...

I might have found the problem (for me anyway, and maybe there are others). In short, I think the models need updating. I saw issue #28 and tried removing any...

It looks like these are the problems for the `parts` index problem: [Type declaration](https://github.com/mohamed-chs/chatgpt-history-export-to-md/blob/627449852000f4fe96985ced13ccb3c99f621799/convoviz/models/_message.py#L32) ```python parts: list[str] | None = None ``` [Grabbing from index 0](https://github.com/mohamed-chs/chatgpt-history-export-to-md/blob/627449852000f4fe96985ced13ccb3c99f621799/convoviz/models/_message.py#L81) ```python """Get the text...