grunt-ember-handlebars copied to clipboard
Precompile ember templates in grunt using only headless-ember.js and ember.js
I noticed you have [grunt-lib-contrib]( as a dependency. It's deprecated and I would recommend you switch to the extracted modules instead: `stripPath` => [strip-path]( `minMaxInfo` => [maxmin]( `getNamespaceDeclaration` => [ticket](
Allows you to specify a componentsRegEx that'll prefix components with 'components/' in the template name so they can be used as Ember Components.
This is the code it generates: ``` this["Ember"] = this["Ember"] || {}; this["Ember"]["TEMPLATES"] = this["Ember"]["TEMPLATES"] || {}; this["Ember"]["TEMPLATES"]["assets/js/views/application.hbs"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function anonymous(Handlebars,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { this.compilerInfo = [4,'>= 1.0.0']; helpers = this.merge(helpers, Ember.Handlebars.helpers);...
In ember-template-compiler.js, there are the lines ``` Ember.assert("Ember Handlebars requires Handlebars version 1.0 or 1.1. Include " + "a SCRIPT tag in the HTML HEAD linking to the Handlebars file...
When I concat like this ``` banner: ";(function( window, Ember, undefined){ \n 'use strict';", footer: "}( window, Ember ));" ``` My template wil brake. Is it a bad practise to...
When I concat like this ,,, banner: ";(function( window, Ember, undefined){ \n 'use strict';", footer: "}( window, Ember ));" ,,, My template wil brake. Is it a bad practise to...
Like Grunt tasks that use the standard files options. ``` ember_handlebars: { compile: { options: { namespace: "Ember.TEMPLATES" }, files: [{ src:[ 'frontend_src/templates/*.html', '!frontend_src/templates/scripts.html', '!frontend_src/js/templates/base.html', '!frontend_src/js/templates/config.html' ], dest: 'frontend_src/js/template/built/templates.js' }],...
Determine if preprocessed template will be wrapped in YUI module code. The module name will be composed of the name of the namespace and the file name without extension. i.e....
I need to test this with Yeoman to make sure it works. I've heard a report that it doesn't. Not too familiar with Yeoman, though, so I'll need to set...