
Results 59 comments of Yatima

Drill automatically starts threads for all available mountpoints found: https://github.com/yatima1460/Drill/blob/a953ce6df6b759000f7839a76cfdf890313f8546/Core/Utils.d#L127 using `df -h --output=target` to get the mounts let me know the output

ok so the mountpoint is found problem is this probably: edit the blacklist and remove https://github.com/yatima1460/Drill/blob/a953ce6df6b759000f7839a76cfdf890313f8546/Assets/Core/BlockLists/linux.txt#L16 ClearLinux mounts in /mnt when I have never seen a distro do it that's...

also isn't /mnt deprecated nowadays in favor of /media? /mnt should be used only for temporarily mounted filesystems /media for mounting files systems

oh yes absolutely, in the long run I want to do something like Everything on Windows I want a GUI that let's you edit the allowed and disallowed folders.

Hello, sorry if I abandoned this repo, I hope to revamp it soon Thanks for posting issues :D

So installing adwaita fixes this but at the same time it should be self-contained, I think I will add my own icons. Also the Cocoa port needs to be made

@giulioz Can you build the latest GTK version and tell me what exactly does not work? From what I see it seems only icons are missing but GTK works perfectly...

If you can confirm that only icons are missing I will add my own icons instead of using the GTK theme ones and build GTK binaries for OSX too

@giulioz can you try the latest version and let me know the current situation?