@gorkem @ReubenFrankel Sorry, I have recently realized that I have stopped this PR. Change Severity from Hint to Warning. The question with changing Severity is that the internal process forces...
Any progress on this Issue? I am very interested in this issue.
I created [vscode-shandy-sqlfmt](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=yassun7010.vscode-shandy-sqlfmt) to verify that I could correctly utilize the Python virtual environment on the multi-root workspace project. This VSCode extension behaves exactly as I intended and will be...
I have created a simple project so that this issue can be examined. https://github.com/yassun7010/vscode-multi-workspace-dbt-sample/tree/main Indeed, it seems that features such as linage are not working. I will take some time...
Ah, I see. This extension determines one dbt environment at activation, so it will not work if we have multiple dbt projects. To support multiple workspaces, for each command or...
Anybody working on this issue? Perhaps the dbt detection mechanism needs to be changed significantly.
@anandgupta42 Certainly that was not necessary. I would consider modifying the code, and I think a major modification is needed to properly handle multi-workspace. No one is currently working on...
@mdesmet Our team could not adopt it. The reason is that the path to the virtual environment is different for each user, and `.vscode/settings.json` or `$PROJECT.code-workspace` files are maintained in...
Ah, I was unaware of this because I had gotten into the convention of routing the first workspace. That is certainly a valid method if only vscode-dbt-power-user does not support...