vimeo-dl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vimeo-dl copied to clipboard

Downloads Vimeo videos and retrieve metadata such as views, likes, comments, duration of the video.

Vimeo Downloader

PyPI PyPI - License

Downloads Vimeo videos and retrieve metadata such as views, likes, comments, duration of the video.

  • Features
  • Installation
  • Usage
    • Metadata
    • Download video
    • Download embed only videos
    • Downloading videos that require login
    • Download with video ID
  • Examples


  • Easy to use and friendly API.
  • Support for downloading private or embed only Vimeo videos.
  • Retrieve direct(.mp4 file) URL for the video.
  • Uses type-hints for better editor autocompletion
  • Retrieve metadata such as views, likes, comments, duration of the video
  • Tested for python 3.6 and above


pip install vimeo_downloader

or download the latest version:

pip install git+


>> from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo
>> v = Vimeo('')


>> meta = v.metadata
>> meta.title
"We Don't Have To Know - Keli Holiday"
>> meta.likes
>> meta.views
>> meta._fields  # List of all meta data fields
('id', 'title', 'description'...)  # Truncated for readability

Download video

>> s = v.streams
>> s
[Stream(240p), Stream(360
p), Stream(540
p), Stream(720
p), Stream(1080
>> best_stream = s[-1]  # Select the best stream
>> best_stream.filesize
'166.589421 MB'
>> best_stream.direct_url
# Download video with progress bar and other information,
# to disable this behaviour use mute=True

Downloading embed only videos

>> from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo
>> v = Vimeo('',

For embed only videos, also provide embedded_on parameter to specify the URL on which video is embedded without query parameters.

>> v.streams
[Stream(240p), Stream(360
p), Stream(540
p), Stream(720
p), Stream(1080
>> v.streams[-1].download(download_directory='DirectoryName',
# Downloads the best stream with progress bar and other information, 
# to disable this behaviour use mute=True

Downloading videos that require login

It uses cookie to authenticate. You could get cookie like this:

While logged into your account, go to the video URL. Press Command + Shift + C or Control + Shift + C to get to developer tools. Go to network tab and reload the page. You would see all requests that were made. Click on the top one (request made to same URL you're on) and scroll down to "Request Headers", there you would find cookie parameter, copy its value.

from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo

cookies = """

v = Vimeo(

best_stream = v.best_stream
mp4_url = best_stream.direct_url

title = best_stream.title

## Download

Download video with video ID

(New in 0.3.2) If the above methods, don't work it, you would most likely be able to download video using its vimeo video ID.

from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo

# url:
# video ID: '79761619'
v = Vimeo.from_video_id(video_id='79761619')


1. Downloading embed only videos

embedded_on is the URL of site video is embedded on without query parameters.

from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo

# Replace these two variables to different URL to download that video
vimeo_url = ''
embedded_on = ''
# embedded_on is  the URL of site video is embedded on without query parameters.

v = Vimeo(vimeo_url, embedded_on)

stream = v.streams  # List of available streams of different quality
# >> [Stream(240p), Stream(360p), Stream(540p), Stream(720p), Stream(1080p)]

# Download best stream
stream[-1].download(download_directory='video', filename='test_stream')

# Download video of particular quality, example '540p'
for s in stream:
    if s.quality == '540p':'video', filename='test_stream')
else:  # If loop never breaks
    print("Quality not found")

2. Downloading a list of videos

from vimeo_downloader import Vimeo

# Replace these with other list of videos you want to download
videos = ['',

for video in videos:
    v = Vimeo(video)
    stream = v.streams  # List of available streams of different quality

    # Selecting and downloading '720p' video
    for s in stream:
        if s.quality == '720p':
  'video', filename=v.metadata.title)
    else:  # If the loop never break
        print('quality not found')


Distributed under the MIT licence. Read LICENSE for more information