Image-Processing copied to clipboard
A set of algorithms and other cool things that I learned while doing image processing with openCV using C++ and python.
- Opening an image using openCV
- Opening a video using openCV
- Creating a video player with play, pause and a seekbar
- A simple transformation: Smoothing an image
- Downsampling an image
- Simple way to detect edges of an image using Canny Edge Detector
- Taking input from device camera
- Getting and setting pixels in an image
- Reading a video and writing it to a file
- Reading and writing a video recorded from camera to a file
- Data Types in openCV
- Creating a histogram with the frequency of pixels in an image
- Enhance an image using Histogram Equalization
- Constrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
- Some basics of openCV with python
- Detecting faces in images
- Detecting faces in videos
- Thresholding
- Blur Detection
- Detecting the centre of a geometric shape
- Long Exposure
- Segmentation into Superpixels
- Colors in superpixels
- Image Inpainting using OpenCV
1) Opening an image using openCV
The source code for this can be found here
After compilation when the executable is run from the termilnal, provide a path to the place where the image is stored in the system. The image is displayed on the screen till the user presses any key.
Image is opened by the command cv::imread(argv[1], -1);
. This can open an image of BMP, JPEG, PNG, PPM, RAS, etc formats and returns the image in a cv::Mat
format. The image is opened by cv::namedWindow
. It opens a window with the name given as a parameter to the function. This functions and the window which opens is provided by the HighGUI Library. The WINDOW_AUTOSIZE
parameter automatically gives the window such a size as to accomodate the true size of the image. Now to display the image on the window, the cv::imshow()
function is called. The cv::waitKey()
function will paause the program execution and will wait until the user presses a key, at which point it will resume execution, hence calling the cv::destroyWindow
function and closing the image.
Here's how the window with the photo will appear:(it might appear differently in different systems depending upon the photo)
2) Opening a video using openCV
The source code for this can be found here
The video can be opened and closed the same as the image in the previous section.
The object cap
of the type cv::VideoCapture
is instatiated and is used to open or close videos. cv::Mat
is used to create an object called frame
. This object holds the frames of the video. The video is displayed frame by frame until there is no frame left which is checked by frame.empty()
Here's how the most basic video player with HighGUI will look:
3) Creating a video player with play, pause and a seekbar
The source code for creating a video player can be found here
Here we use global variables to keep track of the trackbar position and update in when needed, along with the cv::VideoCapture
object as global. The run
variable helps in keeping displaying frames as long as it isn't 0. We update the position of the seekbar with every frame being displayed. But this will put us into single-step mode whoch we don't want. To avoid this, we use the dontset
variable to help us stay in the run mode.
void onTrackbarSlide(int pos, void *) {
cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos);
if( !dontset )
run = 1;
dontset = 0;
We need the number of frames in the video in order to calliberate the seekbar. This we get by using the cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAMECOUNT
. Next, using thr number of frames, and also setting a variable to get the position of the seekbar, we use cv::createTrackbar
to create the trackbar.
createTrackbar("Position", "Video", &slider_position, frames, onTrackbarSlide);
While the video is running, we keep taking user input, inside the while loop. The character variable, ch
is used for this. If user enters r
, the video enters run mode and plays like nay normal video. On pressing s
, we enter the single-step mode. If the video is in run mode and then we press s
, the video gets paused. Hence the pause functionality can be implemented this way too. If the user presses h
, we display the user with options of what can be done:
Press r to run the video, s to pause or run the video frame by frame, h for help and esc to quit
This way, just using c++, we can use the HighGUI package provided in openCV to create our own video player.
This is how the video player looks with the seekbar:
And here's how the terminal will be looking like while you use r
or s
or h
or esc
to control the player:
4) A simple transformation: Smoothing an image
The source code for this can be found here
Here we will be smoothing an image using Gaussian Blur. Image smoothing basically refers to remove the sharp edges of an image. The resulting image is usually a bit more blurred that the input image. This tranformation is pretty simple. We take in an image as input in the same way as we did while opeing an image earlier. After this, we create 2 windows, one for the initial image, and the other to display the smoothened image. We can smoothen the image by simply calling the cv::GaussianBlur()
function. The Gaussain Blur function always takes in odd numbers as input. Here we have blurred the input image with a 5X5 Gaussian Blur convolution matrix. We have called the cv::GaussianBlur()
function twice, so as to give us more pronounced effect. Here instead of Gaussian Blur, we can use other library methods such as cv::blur()
, cv::medianBlur()
or bilateralFilter()
Image before smoothing:
Image after smoothing:
Other methods for image smoothing
We can use the cv::blur()
method in this way.
Image after blurring
We can use the cv::medianblur()
method in this way.
Image after blurring
We can use the cv::bilateralFilter()
method in this way.
In bilateralFilter(), we need to keep the input and output images differnet, else we get an error.
Bilateral filter also takes a gaussian filter in space, but one more gaussian filter which is a function of pixel difference. Gaussian function of space make sure only nearby pixels are considered for blurring while gaussian function of intensity difference make sure only those pixels with similar intensity to central pixel is considered for blurring. So it preserves the edges since pixels at edges will have large intensity variation. The texture of the image is reduced, but the edges are conserved.
Image after blurring
5) Downsampling an image
The source code for this can be found here
This is one of the applications of Gaussian Blurring. We use Gaussian Blurring to downsample an image to change the scale in which an image is viewed. We use the cv::pyrDown()
function to do both Gaussian Blurring and downsampling simultaneously.
Result of Downsampling an image:
The first image is the input image, which is larger. The second one is the output image which is half the size of the the input image. This shows that the image was downscaled by a margin of 2.
6) Simple way to detect edges of an image using Canny Edge Detector
The source code for this can be found here
To detect image edges, we use the Canny Edge Detector. To do this, we first convert the image to grey scale using cv::cvtColor()
. This is done because Canny Egde Detector needs only a sigle channel to write to and a grey scale image is a single-channel image. Once the image is in grey scale, we can proceed with edge detection using cv::Canny
. This might work even without converting the image to grey scale, but since Canny is a single-channel writing function, it is recommended to create a single-channel image i.e. a grey scale image.
The grey scale and the final image with edges highlight will look like the following:
Input Image
Grey Scale Image
Canny Image with prominent edges
Canny image when detecting edges without converting to grey scale
Here you can see that some details are missing. It also shows some edges which are actually not image edges. The Canny image in which edges were detected after converting to grey scale has more details. That's the reason for using a single-channel image while doing edge detection using Canny.
7) Taking input from device camera
The source code for this can be found here
Here, if we provide a path as input, the video at the provided path will be opened. Otherwise, the camera will open and start taking a video. If there are no input arguments, we use the VideoCapture
object to open the camera. If there is only one camera conected to the device, then we pass 0 as a parameter to the VideoCapture
object. If there are multiple cameras connected, we can pass -1 as the parameter to open any one camera randomly.
The video is displayed in the same way as a video stored in the computer. We use the same process as given in this code.
Now while displaying the video, we can put any effect we want. It is displayed frame by frame. So we can treat each frame as an image and put any effect we want on the frame. For Example:
Normal Code
while (true) {
cap >> frame;
if( frame.empty() ) break;
cv::imshow( "Example3", frame );
if( cv::waitKey(33) >= 0 ) break;
Code with grey scale effect while displaying video
while (true) {
cap >> frame;
if( frame.empty() ) break;
cv::cvtColor( frame, output_frame, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::imshow( "Output", output_frame );
if( cv::waitKey(33) >= 0 ) break;
This will display your video in greyscale format.
Here's how it looks while displaying a video:
Camera Check
Normal Video being recorded by camera is displayed
Grey Scaled Video
8) Getting and setting pixels in an image
The source code for this can be found here
Here we use the Vec3b object to store the values of Red, green and blue colored pixels in a RGB image. Vec3b represnts a vector with 3 byte enteries, with each byte representing one color.
If we are using an image with a single color, we can simply get the number of pixels of that color in the image by doing :
(unsigned int)<uchar>(y, x) //x, y represent pixel coordinates
To set a particular pixel of an image to a particular color, we simply access the pixel using it's coordinates and set it to the desired value.<uchar>(x, y) = 128;
9) Reading a video and writing it to a file
The source code for this can be found here
This is essentailly just an extension to the code where we opened an existing video file from the local storage of the computer. Here we just use the cv::VideoWriter
to write our desired frames to the file we want. We specify that we are writing a video in the common MJPG(motion jpeg) by using the CV_FOURCC
codec. Here, we have to give the writer
object some parameters. The first parameter is the output file path, the second one is the output file type, then comes the number of frames and finally the dimensions(size) of the output frame/frames.
10) Reading and writing a video recorded from camera to a file
The source code for this can be found here
This program is just an extension of the one where we took input from camera and one in which we wrote a video to another file. Here we just have to give the path to the output file when we run the code, instead of a path to the input file.
There's just one more creative thing we did here. Instead of directly writing the output to a file, which will be way easier, we first converted the camera input to log polar form and wrote that to an output file. Log polar form is something like the way our eyes actually process what they see. We'll go into the details of the log polar form later on.
11) Data types used in openCV
Here we will be noticing many of the data types ending with 2d, 2i, 2f, 3d, 3i, 3b and so on. Here the number basically represents the dimension of the data stored and the characters indicate the following: i for integer
, f for float
, d for double
and b for unsigned character
The cv::Vec<>
is used as a container for almost any type of data(including objects, pointers etc.) in cpp. But we mainly use it as a container for primitive data types such as int, float, char etc.
We will not be using the cv::Vec<>
template much. Instead we use the aliases that exist for some common instantiations of cv::Vec<>
. Some of these are:
- This will serve as a two element integer vector -
- This will serve as a three element integer vector -
- This will serve as a four element double precision floating point vector
The limitation of the cv::Vec class is that it is not very effecient for handling large arrays. For that we have the cv::Mat
class(which we will learn about later on).
Operations | Examples |
Default constructor | Vec2s v2s; Vec6f v6f; |
Member access | v4f[i], v3w(j); // both [], () are fine |
Vector cross product | v3f.cross(u3f); |
The cv::Matx<>
class is is a fixed matrix class which is highly effecient for dealing with 2 x 2, 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 matrix operations. Here too the only drawback is that we need to know the matrix dimensions before hand, and this is not efficient when it comes to handling large sized arrays. Again thr cv::Mat
class(which wiil be discussed later on) comes to the rescue here.
If you want a mtrix with dimensions other than the specified ones, we can initialize it ourselves -> cv::Matx<5, 5, float>
Operations | Examples |
Default Constructor | cv::Matx33f m33f; |
cv::Matx43d m43d; | |
Matrix of identical elements | m33f = cv::Matx33f::all(x); |
Matrix of zeros | m230 = cv::Matx23d::zeros(); |
Matrix of ones | m161 = cv::Matx16d::ones(); |
Create a unit matrix | m33f = cv::Mat33f::eye(); |
Matrix that can hold the diagnols of another matrix | m33f = cv::Matx33f::diag(); |
Create a matrix with uniformly distributed entries | m44f = cv::Matx44f::randu(min, max); |
Create a matrix with normally distributed entries | m44f = cv::Matx44f::nrandn(mean, varience); |
Member access | m(i, j)//for multi dimensionsal |
m(i) //for oone dimnesional matrices only | |
Matrix algebra | m1 x m2, m1 + m2, m1 - m2 |
Singleton algebra | m x a, a x m, m / a |
Comparison | m1 == m2; |
Dot Product | |
m1.ddot(m2) | |
Extract a 2x2 matrix at position i, j | m44f.get_minor<2, 2>(i, j); |
Extract row i | m14f = m44f.row(i); |
Extract column j | m41f = m44f.col(j); |
Extract diagnol | m41f = m44f.diag(); |
Find traspose | n44f = m44f.t(); |
Inverse of a matrix | n44f = m44f.inv(method) // default method is cv::DECOMP_LU |
Per element multiplication | m1.mul(m2) |
This class is similar to the cv::Vec<>
class. We can store 2 to 3 primitive data types using instances of cv::Point<>
. Here we can call the data stored using the dot operator and class insatance itself.
For example if the instance is point
. For a vector, we'll do point[0]
, point[1]
and so on. Instead in the cv::Point<>
class, we simply do, point.x
, point.y
and so on.
Same as the cv::Vec<>
class, cv::Point<>
class also contains some aliases. The most commonly used ones are:
Operation | Example |
Default Constructor | cv::point 2i p; |
cv::point 3f p; | |
Member access | p.x, p.y, p.z(if 3 dimensional) |
Dot Product | float x = |
Double Precision Dot Product | double x = p1.ddot(p2) |
Cross Product | p1.cross(p2) |
To check if point p lies inside rectangle r | p.inside(r) |
- Used for storing a four dimensional point.
- It aliased to store a four component vector with double precision components.
- Data is called by objects and not the dot operator.
- Directly derived from the
class(cv::Vec<double, 4
Operations | Example |
Default constructor | cv::Scalar s |
Element wise multiplication | s1.mul(s2) |
Quaternion conjugation* | s.conj() |
Quaternion Real Test | s.isReal() (return true iff s1 = s1 = s3 = 0) |
*Quaternion Conjugation:
let v = a + bi + cj + dk
The conjugate of this quaternion is defined by :
v' = a - bi - cj - dk
- Has two members: height and width
- It is an alias for
- To store floating point data, use
Operations | Examples |
Default construtor | cv::Size s; |
cv::Size2i s; | |
cv::Size2f s; | |
Member access | s.width, s.height |
Finding area | s.area() |
- Has four members: height, width, x and y
- Alias to store the ineger form of a rectangle
Operations | Examples |
Default Constructor | cv::Rect r |
Construct from origin and size | cv::Rect(p, sz) |
Construct from 2 given points | cv::Rect(p1, p2) |
Member Access | r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height |
Area | r.area() |
Finding coordinates of the upper left corner | |
Finding coordinates of the bottom right corner | |
Checking if point p is inside rectagle r | r.contains(p) |
Intersection of rectangle r1 and r2 | cv::Rect r3 = r1 & r2; |
r1 &= r2; | |
Minimum area rectangle containing r1 and r2 | cv::Rect r3 = r1 | r2; |
r1 |= r2; | |
Tranalte a rectan;ge by amount x | cv::Rect rx = r + x; |
r += x; | |
Enlarge a rectanlge by s | cv::Rect rs = r + s; |
r += s; | |
Compare rectangles for equality | bool e = (r1 == r2); |
Store a rectangle which is not axis aligned
- `cv::Point2f` object, called `center` - `cv::Size2f` object, called `size` - A float called `angle`
Operations | Examples |
Default Constructor | cv::RotatedRect rr(); |
Construct a rectangle from 2 points | cv::RotatedTect(p1, p2); |
Construct a rectangle using a point, size and angle | cv::RotatedRect(p, s, theta); |
Member access |, rr.size, rr.angle |
Return all corners | rr.points(pts[4]) |
Operations | Examples |
Default constructor | cv::Complexf z1 |
cv::Complexd z2 | |
Member access |,; |
Complex Conjugate | z2 = z1.conj(); |
Creating a histogram with the frequency of pixels in an image
The source code for this can be found here
This code just generates a graph with the frequency of pixels in an image.
Input Image
Enhance an image using Histogram Equalization
The source code for this can be found here
Here is my own implementation of Histogram Equalization instead of using the function directly provided by openCV.
It is a method that improves the contrast in an image, in order to stretch out the intensity range. Equalization implies mapping one distribution (the given histogram) to another distribution (a wider and more uniform distribution of intensity values) so the intensity values are spread over the whole range.
Original Image
Histogram of original image
Output Image
Histogram of output image
14) Constrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
The code for this can be found here
Histogram equalization is a global function, where as CLAHE is a local function. In CLAHE, a small block of an image is taken, on that small block histogram equalization is performed. In CLAHE, we have two factors: block size and clip limit based on which histogram equalization is performed on each block.
Original Image
Histogram Equlaized Image
15) Basics of image processing with python
The code for this can be found here.
Two packages have been used here, OpenCV and imutils. imutils is another image processing library which has a lot of useful helper functions.
- Reading an image: cv2.imread("path to image")
- Finding dimensions of an image: (h, w, d) = image.shape This will return the height, width and depth of an image. Depth is the number of channels in an image, which is 3 for a RGB image.
- Accessing individual pixels: (B, G, R) = image[y, x] This will return the intensity of Blue, Green and Red colors at the pixel (x, y). The input is given in (y, x) format.
- Extracting a ROI from an image: image[startY:endY, startX:endX]
- Resizing an image witout maintaining aspect ratio:
resized = cv2.resize(image, (300, 300))
This will resize an image to a 300x300 block without maintaining the aspect ratio.
- Resizing an image while maintaining aspect ratio:
r = 300.0 / w # calculate the ratio of the new width to the old width
dim = (300, int(h * r)) # calculate the height using the ratio by multiplying h by r (the original height and our ratio respectively)
resized = cv2.resize(image, dim) # resize while maintaining the aspect ratio
- Using imutils to automatically resize an image while maintaining aspect ratio:
resized = imutils.resize(image, width=300)
- Rotating an image with OpenCV and imutils:
center = (w // 2, h // 2) # find the centre of the image
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -45, 1.0) # obtain the rotation matrix, -45 for rotating clockwise by 45 degree, 45 for rotating anticlockwise by 45 degrees
rotated = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h)) #apply affine warp to get the rotated image
We can instead use the rotate
function provided by imutils
to perform the rotation in a shorter way.
rotated = imutils.rotate(image, -45)
But this method has a drawback. It doesn't take into consideration the change in dimensions of the image and therefore cuts of portions of the image while rotating it.
To fix that we use the rotate_bounds
method in imutils
rotated = imutils.rotate_bound(image, 45) #here positive angle means clockwise rotation
A comparison of both the functions together is done here in this script.
- Smoothing an image: cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (11, 11), 0)
Guassian blur is performed using an 11x11 kernel.
- Drawing on an image:
output = image.copy()
cv2.rectangle(output, (320, 60), (420, 160), (0, 0, 255), 2), (300, 150), 20, (255, 0, 0), -1)
cv2.line(output, (60, 20), (400, 200), (0, 0, 255), 5)
- Writing text on an image:
cv2.putText(output, "Naruto rocks!!!!", (10, 25),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 255, 0), 2)
16) Detecting faces in images
The source code for this can be found here.
Here, openCV's deep learning face detector has been used. Two requirements for this are the .prototxt
and the .caffemodel
files which have been uploaded in the repo as well.
Once the models have been loaded, we use dnn.blobFromImage
to do the preprocessing such as setting the blob dimensions and normalization.
Next we detect the faces in an image. This is done using two simple lines oof python code:
detections = net.forward()
Once this is done, we iterate over all the detections, draw boxes aroud faces which have a certain threshold of confidence(in order to filter out weaker detections which most probablt will not be faces).
This code can be run by running the following command in your terminal:
python --image <path to image> --prototxt <path to deploy.prototxt.txt> --model <path to res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel>
The code in action:
17) Detecting faces in videos
The source code for this can be found here
This is very much similar to the above piece of code in which we used the deep leanring module of openCV to detect faces in am image. The exact same technique has been used to detect faces in a video.
The difference between an image and a video is that, a video is a collection of images called the frames of a video. So we take each frame of a video, treat it like an image and perform the same technique on it as the one described above. We start taking video input using a video file or from the device webcam using VideoStream
We can get the frames of a video using the following piece of python code:
frame =
18) Thresholding
Thresholding is the simplest method of segmenting image. From a grayscale image, thresholding can be used to create binary images.
There are three types of thresholding methods implemented here:
Original Image
Thresholding by Riddler Calvard
Thresholding by Adaptive Thresholding method
Thresholding by otsu algorithm
19) Blur Detection
The code for this can be found here
This code detects the amount of blurring present in an input image by using the Laplacian operator provided by openCV. We use the Laplacian operator to compute the varience of an image. A sharp image will have a high varience while a blurred image being smooth, will have a low varience.
Example 1
Example 2
20) Detecting the centre of a geometric shape
The code for this can be found here.
The first step is to preprocess the image by applying grayscale conversion, Gaussian smoothing using a 5 x 5 kernel, and finally thresholding.
Then we extract the outline i.e. the contours of the image. Next we loop over each contours, and compute image moments for the contour region. Image moments are used to characterize the shape of an object in an image. These moments capture basic statistical properties of the shape, such as the area of the object, the centroid orientation, etc. Here we use the centre of the contour to determine the image shape.
Example 1
Example 2(works with multiple shapes present in an image too)
Example 3(If there are multiple shapes, centre of all the shapes can be detected)
21) Long Exposure
The code for this can be found here.
Long exposure is the process of creating a photo that illustrates the effect of passing time. This will be something that is difficult to capture via regular photographic methods(unless you put in a lot of effort and some high end equipment).
This code takes in a video as input and uses frame averaging to simulate long exposures.
Fox exmaple:
22) Segmentation into Superpixels
The code for this can be found here.
A group of pixels extracted from the pixel grid of an image which share some characteristics are called superpixels. These regions provide a lot more information about an image than a single pixel of the image would. Performing operation on super pixels reduces the computation effort. Once the superpixels regions are obtained, instead of dealing with hundreds of thousands of pixels, we can just deal with thousands of superpixels. This also provides more perceptual meaning than a single pixel as all pixels belonging to a superpixel group share some common characteristics.
For exmaple, here is the input image:
Image segemnted into 100 superpixels
Image segmented into 200 superpixels
Image segmented into 300 superpixels
23) Colors in superpixels
The code for this can be found here.
This helps in detecting the saturation of colors in different parts of an image that have been segmented into superpixels.
24) Image Inpainting using OpenCV
The code for this can be found here.
Image inpainting is used for the removal of unwanted objects from an image or in restoring damaged portions of old photos. We need to provide the input image with the defects and a mask which determines the regions to be inpainted.