NSelene copied to clipboard
Consise API to Selenium for .Net (the port of Selene in python / Selenide in Java)
usage examples: ``` csharp S("table").Should(Have.Rows( new [] {"Row1 columnA", "Row1 columnB"}, new [] {"Row2 columnA", "Row2 columnB"} ); //... S("table").Should(Have.NoRows()); ```
currently it will fail to seach anything inside hidden element... even for "just asking Displayed?" context
``` Open("http://todomvc4tasj.herokuapp.com/"); S("#new-todo").SetValue("a").PressEnter(); SS("#todo-list>li").FindBy(Have.ExactText("a")) .DoubleClick(); SS("#todo-list>li").FindBy(Have.ExactText("a")) .S(".edit").SetValue("a edited").PressEnter(); ``` fails with > Result Message: > Test method Lesson1.TodoMVCTests.ProvidesCommonTasksManagement threw exception: > OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException: > Timed out after 4 seconds > while...
``` Open("http://todomvc4tasj.herokuapp.com/"); S("#new-todo").SetValue("a").PressEnter(); S("#new-todo").SetValue("c").PressEnter(); SS("#todo-list>li").FindBy(Have.ExactText("b")) .DoubleClick(); ``` fails with > Result Message: > Test method Lesson1.TodoMVCTests.TestCommonTasksFlow threw exception: > OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException: > Timed out after 4 seconds > while waiting for...
currently test coverage is very high... But there are some tiny gaps... Consider adding some test coverage analysis tool, review coverage and enhance it.