Yash Khadse

Results 33 comments of Yash Khadse

will be.... added currently I have research work so development is slowed...

Adjust the cmd as pleased [here](https://github.com/yash-dk/TorToolkit-Telegram/blob/b91a66e26f10ed54619423f2633ce638cc6d3df3/tortoolkit/utils/zip7_utils.py#L86) and [here](https://github.com/yash-dk/TorToolkit-Telegram/blob/b91a66e26f10ed54619423f2633ce638cc6d3df3/tortoolkit/utils/zip7_utils.py#L91) as for the split size use `TG_UP_LIMIT`. If any improvement in this feature comment here

> @yash-dk still not working > https://github.com/yash-dk/TorToolkit-Telegram/blob/b4854aac9d3f0c1fb4384ffb019c32faa5fe6629/tortoolkit/utils/zip7_utils.py#L84 > > this line is never executed. Only else part after this block is executed. The splitting is only required for telegram upload...

> @yash-dk make TG_UPLOAD_LIMIT in MB rather than in bytes just write like this:- `MBs * 1024 *1024`

You entered the group ID in ALD_USR and made the bot admin?

any logs?? /getlogs in private


Give the directory the name of the playlist/video while uploading to gdrive