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Unofficial C# API for TIDAL music streaming service.


Unofficial C# API for TIDAL music streaming service.

🖥 Installation

OpenTidl is now available on NuGet

PM> Install-Package TidalLib

Nightly Builds

Download nightly builds from continuous integration: Build Status

🤖 Example

☑️ Login

//login by email and password
(string msg1, LoginKey key1) = await Client.Login("[email protected]", "xxxxxx");
//login by your accesstoken
(string msg2, LoginKey key2) = await Client.Login("your_accctoken");

☑️ Get Album\Track\Video\Playlist\Artist

(string msg, LoginKey key) = await Client.Login("[email protected]", "xxxxxx");
(string msg1, Album album) = await Client.GetAlbum(key, "120929182");
(string msg2, Playlist playlist) = await Client.GetPlaylist(key, "6896171c-2b4a-47bf-b044-ae3886a521d7");
(string msg3, Artist artist) = await Client.GetArtist(key, "8292198");
(string msg4, Track track) = await Client.GetTrack(key, "90521281");
(string msg5, StreamUrl stream) = await Client.GetTrackStreamUrl(key, "90521281", eAudioQuality.Master);
(string msg6, Video video) = await Client.GetVideo(key, "84094460");
(string msg7, VideoStreamUrl vstream) = await Client.GetVideStreamUrl(key, "124586613", eVideoQuality.P1080);