SlidingRootNav icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SlidingRootNav copied to clipboard

DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a "drawer" is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible.

Results 54 SlidingRootNav issues
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hi i create 5 fragment in this library, whenever i switched between fragment and return to firs fragment, the radio buttom or spinners or ... reamin just like i have...

how to change or add my custom menu Burger menu icon


i want to use custom adapter for recyclerview , so i need to implement on createviewholder and onbindviewholder , so how to implement this ?

Hi, I try to open menu by pressing button, by calling slidingRootNav.openMenu(); , however, there is exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.yarolegovich.slidingrootnav.SlidingRootNav.openMenu()' on a null object reference...

Hi, could you help me on how to put burger icon on right. as far as I know I could use this code .withGravity(SlideGravity.RIGHT) for animating to right side.

Hello. I am using your library. I added both right and left menu at the same time and identificated 2 different "SlidingRootNav" for them so I can reach the same...

Hi! Great library we are using it for a few months. We wanted to be able to put a badge in the nav drawer's toggle using the support library's setDrawerArrowDrawable()...

When click menu set layout at the bottom?