DiscreteScrollView copied to clipboard
Show Semi image item on the LEFT and RIGHT side.
I appreciate for the wonderful library. But I couldn't find a way to show semi item images for the LEFT and RIGHT items and center should remain same (Full View).
I would be thankful for the guidance.
Thank you,
i have the same problem, i've choice this library for carousel and i can't do this?
Like this?
This transformer should do:
class GalleryTransformer : DiscreteScrollItemTransformer {
private var pivotX: Pivot? = null
private var pivotY: Pivot? = null
private var minScale: Float = 0.toFloat()
private var maxMinDiffScale: Float = 0.toFloat()
private var minAlpha: Float = 0.toFloat()
private var maxMinDiffAlpha: Float = 0.toFloat()
private var maxElevation: Float = -1f
private var minElevation: Float = -1f
private var overlapDistance: Float = 0.toFloat()
private var interpolator: Interpolator = AccelerateInterpolator(1.2f)
init {
pivotX = Pivot.X.CENTER.create()
pivotY = Pivot.Y.CENTER.create()
minScale = 0.8f
maxMinDiffScale = 1f - minScale
minAlpha = 0.6f
maxMinDiffAlpha = 1f - minAlpha
override fun transformItem(item: View, position: Float) {
val closenessToCenter = 1f - Math.abs(position)
val scale = minScale + maxMinDiffScale * closenessToCenter
val alpha = minAlpha + maxMinDiffAlpha * closenessToCenter
item.scaleX = scale
item.scaleY = scale
item.alpha = alpha
if (overlapDistance > 0) {
item.translationX = getTranslationForOverlapping(item, position)
val elevation = minElevation + maxElevation * closenessToCenter
if (elevation >= 0 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
item.elevation = elevation
private fun getTranslationForOverlapping(item: View, position: Float): Float {
val maxTranslation = getMaxTranslation(item)
val interpolatedPosition = interpolator.getInterpolation(Math.abs(position))
val translation = maxTranslation * interpolatedPosition
return translation * getTranslationDirection(position)
private fun getMaxTranslation(item: View): Float {
val gapBetweenItems = (item.layoutParams as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams).leftMargin + (item.layoutParams as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams).rightMargin
val widthDiffBetweenMinAndMaxScale = item.width * maxMinDiffScale
return gapBetweenItems + widthDiffBetweenMinAndMaxScale + overlapDistance
* Views left of the Centered Item have a negative position but must be translated to the right (positive translation),
* Views right of the center Item have a position position and must be translated to the left (negative translation)
private fun getTranslationDirection(position: Float): Float {
return sign(position) * -1f
class Builder {
private val transformer: GalleryTransformer = GalleryTransformer()
private var maxScale: Float = 0.toFloat()
init {
maxScale = 1f
fun setMinScale(scale: Float): Builder {
transformer.minScale = scale
return this
fun setMaxScale(scale: Float): Builder {
maxScale = scale
return this
fun setPivotX(pivotX: Pivot.X): Builder {
return setPivotX(pivotX.create())
fun setPivotX(pivot: Pivot): Builder {
assertAxis(pivot, Pivot.AXIS_X)
transformer.pivotX = pivot
return this
fun setPivotY(pivotY: Pivot.Y): Builder {
return setPivotY(pivotY.create())
fun setPivotY(pivot: Pivot): Builder {
assertAxis(pivot, Pivot.AXIS_Y)
transformer.pivotY = pivot
return this
fun setOverlapDistance(@Px distance: Int): Builder {
transformer.overlapDistance = distance.toFloat()
return this
fun setElevation(@Px maxElevation: Int, @Px minElevation: Int): Builder {
transformer.maxElevation = maxElevation.toFloat()
transformer.minElevation = minElevation.toFloat()
return this
fun setElevation(@Px maxElevation: Int): Builder {
transformer.maxElevation = maxElevation.toFloat()
transformer.minElevation = 0.toFloat()
return this
fun build(): GalleryTransformer {
transformer.maxMinDiffScale = maxScale - transformer.minScale
return transformer
private fun assertAxis(pivot: Pivot, @Pivot.Axis axis: Int) {
if (pivot.axis != axis) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("You passed a Pivot for wrong axis.")
Shown configuration for the sample app is this one:
itemPicker.setItemTransformer(new GalleryTransformer.Builder()
.setElevation(dpToPx(10), dpToPx(4))
if you want to set a semi item visible in left and right side then do what @pwillmann mentioned above and just add .setOverlapDistance(0) if you want to show a side of imageview.
view.setItemTransformer(new GalleryTransformer.Builder() .setMinScale(0.85f) .setElevation(dpToPx(10), dpToPx(4)) .setOverlapDistance(0) .build());
In addition to...if the width of scrolled itemview is too big, that's not working !! Be Care!!