does anyone has a better model ?
@cacato86 Hi, But i do not want hamburger icon on my search bar! What to do?
No virtual method centerCrop()Lcom/bumptech/glide/request/RequestOptions; in class Lcom/bumptech/glide/request/RequestOptions
@AlexGZC @DJDrama any solutions so far?
I tried this: implementation ('com.werb.pickphotoview:pickphotoview:0.4.8',{ exclude group: 'com.github.bumptech.glide' }) Same issue...
downgraded Glide to 4.8.0 ...
@DJDrama what other library are you using? @werbhelius that's first thing I tried. Did not helped.
@DJDrama Thanks!
@Ferrick90 @manuelescrig any update regarding that?
do I set all this in viewDidLoad? @kiwo12345 @evgenyneu