Yaroslav Halchenko

Results 748 issues of Yaroslav Halchenko

while building debian package 0.19.6-3 in clean sid ``` add (ok: 1) add-archive-content (ok: 1) download_url (ok: 1) save (ok: 1) PASSED datalad/local/tests/test_download_url.py::test_download_url_archive_trailing_separator create(ok): . (dataset) ``` never returned. `ps...


```shell (git)smaug:/mnt/btrfs/datasets/datalad/crawl/openneuro/ds002144[main]git $> datalad push --to datalad-public publish(error): . (dataset) [refs/heads/git-annex->datalad-public:refs/heads/git-annex [rejected] (non-fast-forward)] publish(error): . (dataset) [refs/heads/main->datalad-public:refs/heads/main [remote rejected] (unpacker error)] action summary: publish (error: 2) Hints: 1: Updates were...


https://dev.azure.com/conda-forge/feedstock-builds/_build/results?buildId=944883&view=logs&j=d0d954b5-f111-5dc4-4d76-03b6c9d0cf7e&t=6d4b912b-175d-51da-0fd9-4d30fe1eb4e7 ``` =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/test_utils.py::test_get_open_files - AssertionError: assert {'/tmp/datala...d='16:44:22')} == {} Left contains 1 more item: {'/tmp/datalad_temp_tree_test_get_open_filest6xxlve8/d': psutil.Process(pid=567725, name='python', status='running', started='16:44:22')} Full diff: - {}...


- Rationale 1 (major): BIDS standard already provides reasonable structure to formalize organization of various components of a neuroscientific data project: where to place code, original (source) data, derivaitve data,...

I think GitHub issues do not provide adequately powerful medium to discuss complex topics due to single threading etc. In DataLad, DANDI and other projects we adopted an idea of...

opinions wanted

Added to complement - https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/pull/1861 ### TODOs - **Examples** - [x] nipoppy inspired - [ ] princeton inspired - [ ] YODA inspired - [ ] Make it possible to...

deno based validator in - #435 fails with ``` Validating dataset fnirs_automaticity/: Running bids-validator fnirs_automaticity --json --ignoreNiftiHeaders [ { "key": "TSV_VALUE_INCORRECT_TYPE", "severity": "error", "reason": "A value in a column did...

```shell (deno) yoh@typhon:/mnt/DATA/data/yoh/1076_spacetop$ git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | /home/yoh/proj/bids/bids-validator/bids-validator/./bids-validator-deno --filenameMode A new release of Deno is available: 1.44.3 → 1.44.4 Run `deno upgrade` to install it. Usage: bids-validator Version:...


AFAIK we do not mandate naming under `derivatives/`. But I am getting ```shell ❯ bids-validator-deno $PWD [ERROR] Files with such naming scheme are not part of BIDS specification. This error...

I am preparing example for the - https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/pull/1861 and upon initial validation receiving NO error although it should be there since I entered (for extra check) a completely unknown value....