Yaroslav Halchenko
Yaroslav Halchenko
We have one more poster session to go so it could still be useful I think poster presenters still do not quite get the fact that there would be little...
now that we have access to PDFs (I will soon populate git-annex of this repo with them) I wondered if it would be of any benefit to generate preview pngs...
It should - make it easier for naive users to use DataLad -- typically they just install an extension and get extension functionality immediately exposed, e.g. like was reported in...
Excluded .py files entirely for this initial pass. Someone can remove skipping them and improve there as well
seems to be 3.10.0 specific, works with 3.9.0-slim ``` smaug:~ $> docker run --privileged --rm quay.io/singularity/singularity:v3.10.0-slim run shub://vsoch/hello-world Unable to find image 'quay.io/singularity/singularity:v3.10.0-slim' locally v3.10.0-slim: Pulling from singularity/singularity 396c31837116: Already...
those are present on https://quay.io/repository/singularity/singularity?tab=tags but not listed in README.md NB my motivation -- I was looking for how they are built... I guess quay.io allows to build for different...
More about codespell: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell . I personally introduced it to dozens if not hundreds of projects already and so far only positive feedback. CI workflow has 'permissions' set only to...
``` (dev3) yoh@typhon:/mnt/DATA/data/yoh/1076_spacetop$ singularity exec -B /mnt/DATA/data/yoh/afni/src/scripts_install/@afni_refacer_run:/usr/bin/@afni_reacer_run:ro -B $PWD/../atlases:/usr/share/AFNI/atlases:ro -B $PWD:$PWD:ro -B $PWD/derivatives:$PWD/derivatives:rw -B $PWD/scratch:$PWD/scratch:rw -B $PWD/../dsst-defacing-pipeline/src:/opt/dsst-defacing-pipeline:ro --env AFNI_ATLAS_PATH=/usr/share/AFNI/atlases --scratch $PWD/scratch --pwd $PWD --net --network none ../dsst-defacing-pipeline/dsst-defacing-pipeline-test.sing @afni_refacer_run -input sub-0001/ses-01/anat/sub-0001_ses-01_acq-MPRAGEXp3X08mm_T1w.nii.gz...