Iakov Pustilnik
Iakov Pustilnik
I'm trying to link with static boost build and having a problem: configure.ac BOOST_REQUIRE([1.52.0]) BOOST_SYSTEM([s]) BOOST_THREADS([s]) BOOST_FOREACH BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS([s]) BOOST_ASIO([s]) BOOST_BIND and run configure with ./configure --with-boost=/home/user/boost_1_58_0 --enable-static-boost but linker fails...
## Bug I'm trying to use [Python Guide](https://neuropod.ai/pyguide/) to create a neuropod model from my pre-created TensorFlow inference graph using ``` from neuropod.packagers import create_tensorflow_neuropod ``` method. The neuropod model...
- gtk+-3.0 - appindicator3-0.1 - libnotify
Could you please provide a working demo? The link to demo is down and i cannot figure out which part of mod-file should be stripped before feeding to the createTrack......