Hi,I want to do experiments on GAN neural machine translation, but I don't know whether this model can be implemented and whether the code needs to be modified? I am...
Hi,@Playinf I want to do experiments on GAN neural machine translation, but I don't know whether this model can be implemented and whether the code needs to be modified? I...
您好,我想请教个问题,我最近做实验结果发现,Text_RCNN比Text_CNN文的本分类测试集准确率低很多,但是看您提供的实验对比数据是Text_RCNN要比Text_CNN高,同时我用您另一个模型库bert_RCNN效果是要高于bert_CNN,想请教下这是和我用的数据有关系吗,还是其他原因那? @649453932
Hi, I have a question: Will Bleu be improved if the pre-trained word vectors are embedded in the neural machine translation model for retraining? Looking forward to your advice or...
Hi, I am a beginner of nmt.I have a question: How to solve the problem of OOV in translation translation? Can I add a large dictionary? How to add a...
Hi, I use the following command for model training. mkdir /tmp/nmt_model python -m nmt.nmt \ --src=mn --tgt=zh \ --vocab_prefix=/tmp/nmt_data/vocab \ --train_prefix=/tmp/nmt_data/train \ --dev_prefix=/tmp/nmt_data/test \ --test_prefix=/tmp/nmt_data/test \ --out_dir=/tmp/nmt_model \ --num_train_steps=12000 \...
Hi, I am a beginner of tensorflow/nmt.I have a question:Does the tensorflow/nmt model support encoder and decoder using BPE and characters separately? Looking forward to your advice or answers. Best...
Hi, I have a question: does the tensorflow / NMT model **shuffle** after each epoch when training the translation model?Also, how do we perform **shuffle** operations? Looking forward to your...