blog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
blog copied to clipboard

VS Code 编辑器配置

Open yanyue404 opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments


  • 1. Setting.json
  • 2. Plugins
  • 3. Keybindings.json
  • 4. 快捷命令
  • 5. 主题与字体
  • 6. 跳转到定义
  • 7. 参考


const settting = {
  // ! 大部分情况不需要自动格式化
  // "css.validate": false,
  // "less.validate": false,
  // "scss.validate": false,
  'editor.formatOnSave': true,
  'eslint.enable': true,
  'stylelint.enable': true,
  'editor.codeActionsOnSave': {
    'source.fixAll.eslint': true,
    'source.fixAll.stylelint': true
  // ! 基本外观配置项 -- start
  'breadcrumbs.enabled': true,
  'editor.fontSize': 13.5,
  'editor.tabSize': 2,
  'files.autoSave': 'afterDelay',
  'editor.cursorStyle': 'block',
  'editor.fontFamily': 'Fira Code',
  'editor.fontLigatures': true,
  'editor.lineHeight': 21,
  'editor.lineNumbers': 'on',
  'editor.minimap.enabled': true,
  'editor.matchBrackets': 'always',
  'editor.rulers': [120],
  'editor.snippetSuggestions': 'top', // 注释改成绿色
  'editor.tokenColorCustomizations': {
    comments: '#009933'
  'workbench.startupEditor': 'none',
  'emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab': true,
  'emmet.includeLanguages': {
    'vue-html': 'html',
    javascript: 'javascriptreact',
    wxml: 'html'
  'emmet.syntaxProfiles': {
    'vue-html': 'html',
    javascript: 'javascriptreact'
  'view-in-browser.customBrowser': 'chrome',
  'workbench.colorTheme': 'Solarized Dark',
  'workbench.sideBar.location': 'left',
  'workbench.iconTheme': 'vscode-icons',
  // 将当前行代码高亮显示
  'workbench.colorCustomizations': {
    'editor.lineHighlightBackground': '#135564',
    'editor.lineHighlightBorder': '#135564'
  'explorer.confirmDelete': true,
  'editor.multiCursorModifier': 'ctrlCmd',
  // 在使用搜索功能时,将这些文件夹/文件排除在外
  'search.exclude': {
    '**/node_modules': true,
    '**/logs': true,
    'package-lock.json': true,
    'yarn.lock': true
  // 这些文件将不会显示在工作空间中
  'files.exclude': {
    '**/.git': true,
    '**/.svn': true
  // 支持 import 别名 @
  'path-autocomplete.pathMappings': {
    '@': '${folder}/src'
  // Guides 插件设置缩进参考
  'guides.normal.color.dark': 'rgba(91, 91, 91, 0.6)',
  'guides.normal.color.light': 'rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.7)',
  '': 'rgba(210, 110, 210, 0.6)',
  '': 'rgba(200, 100, 100, 0.7)',
  '': 'dashed',
  '': 'dashed',
  '': 'dashed',
  // todo-tree
  'todo-tree.general.tags': ['TODO:', 'FIXME:', 'NOTE:'],
  'todo-tree.highlights.defaultHighlight': {
    gutterIcon: true
  'todo-tree.highlights.customHighlight': {
    'TODO:': {
      foreground: '#fff',
      background: '#ffbd2a',
      iconColour: '#ffbd2a'
    'FIXME:': {
      foreground: '#fff',
      background: '#f06292',
      icon: 'flame',
      iconColour: '#f06292'
    'NOTE:': {
      foreground: '#fff',
      background: '#f06292',
      icon: 'flame',
      iconColour: '#f06292'
  // ! 基本外观配置项 -- end
  // ? 自定义 git
  'git.ignoreMissingGitWarning': true,
  'git.autofetch': true,
  'git.confirmSync': false,
  // 如果你的VSCode安装了Vetur插件,以下配置是需要的
  // 这能阻止Vetur对Vue代码进行检测,提高性能
  // "vetur.format.enable": false,
  // "vetur.validation.template": false,
  // "vetur.validation.script": false,
  // "vetur.format.defaultFormatter.scss": "none",
  // ? 格式化 prettier start
  'editor.defaultFormatter': 'esbenp.prettier-vscode',
  '[javascript]': {
    'editor.defaultFormatter': 'esbenp.prettier-vscode'
  '[json]': {
    'editor.defaultFormatter': 'esbenp.prettier-vscode'
  '[vue]': {
    'editor.defaultFormatter': 'esbenp.prettier-vscode'
  /* prettier-ignore*/
  "prettier.printWidth": 80, // 超过最大值换行
  'prettier.tabWidth': 2, // 缩进级别的空格数
  'prettier.singleQuote': true, // 要单引号
  'prettier.trailingComma': 'none', // 尾随逗号
  'prettier.bracketSpacing': true, // 对象花括号与内容之间加空格
  'prettier.semi': false, // 句尾添加分号
  'prettier.useTabs': false, // 制表符缩进
  'prettier.ignorePath': '.prettierignore', // 格式化忽略的文件控制
  // ? 格式化 prettier end
  // "vetur.format.defaultFormatter.js": "vscode-typescript",
  'minapp-vscode.wxmlFormatter': 'prettier',
  'minapp-vscode.prettier': {
    parser: 'html'
  'minapp-vscode.disableAutoConfig': true,
  'vsicons.dontShowNewVersionMessage': true,
  'extensions.ignoreRecommendations': true,
  'files.associations': {
    '*.cjson': 'jsonc',
    '*.wxss': 'css',
    '*.wxs': 'javascript'
  'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace': false,
  'todo-tree.tree.showScanModeButton': false,
  'editor.guides.indentation': false,
  'timeline.excludeSources': ['timeline.localHistory'],
  'editor.cursorBlinking': 'phase',
  'editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation': true


  • Project Manager - 多项目文件夹管理,方便切换 【TabBar】
  • Todo Tree - 树状图显示 todo 列表 【TabBar】
  • Bookmarks - 书签 【TabBar】
  • Live Server - 为静态和动态页面启动具有实时重新加载功能的开发本地服务器
  • Prettier - 代码格式化
  • Document This - JS Doc 生成
  • Integration - 画流程图
  • Debugger for Chrome - 从 VS Code 调试在 Google Chrome 中运行的 JavaScript 代码
  • Comment Translate - vscode 注释翻译, 快速阅读源码
  • Search node_modules
  • Better Comments
  • Git History + GitLens — Git supercharged
  • Path Intellisense + Path Autocomplete + Auto Rename Tag
  • Guides - 缩进线自定义
  • Tabnine - 人工智能代码提示
  • vscode-icons
  • wxml + minapp
  • Import Cost  查看你引入的依赖模块大小
  • Auto Close Tag  自动补全 html 标签,如输入<a>将自动补全</a>
  • Auto Rename Tag  自动重命名 html 标签,如修改<a>为<b>,将自动修改结尾标签</a>为</b>
  • polacode  生产代码图片快照插件
  • vscode-leetcode  一个能让你在 vscode 中刷 LeetCode 的插件
  • CodeSnap  生产代码截图

All List

  • Guides
  • auto-close-tag v0.5.7
  • auto-rename-tag v0.1.3
  • better-comments v2.0.5
  • code-runner v0.10.0
  • codelf v11.7.0
  • comment-translate v1.4.2
  • debugger-for-chrome v4.12.8
  • docthis v0.7.1
  • EditorConfig v0.15.1
  • HTMLHint v0.7.0
  • npm-intellisense v1.3.0
  • open-in-browser v2.0.0
  • path-autocomplete v1.13.6
  • path-intellisense v1.4.2
  • prettier-vscode v4.7.0
  • project-manager v11.0.1
  • todo-tree v0.0.176
  • vetur v0.24.0
  • view-in-browser v0.0.5
  • vscode-eslint v2.1.5
  • vscode-icons v10.1.1
  • gitLens v10.2.1


// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
// 将键绑定放入此文件中以覆盖默认值
const keybindings = [
  // ctrl+d 删除一行
    command: 'editor.action.copyLinesDownAction',
    key: 'ctrl+d',
    when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly'
    key: 'alt+1',
    command: 'extension.openInDefaultBrowser'
  // ctrl+shift+/多行注释
    key: 'ctrl+shift+/',
    command: 'editor.action.blockComment',
    when: 'editorTextFocus'
    key: 'shift+enter',
    command: 'editor.action.insertLineAfter',
    when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly'
  // 打开格式好的 md
    key: 'ctrl+shift+m',
    command: 'markdown.showPreview',
    when: "editorLangId == 'markdown'"
  // 快速所边栏
    key: 'ctrl+1',
    command: 'workbench.view.explorer'
    key: 'ctrl+2',
    command: ''
    key: 'ctrl+3',
    command: 'workbench.view.scm'
    key: 'ctrl+4',
    command: 'workbench.view.debug'
    key: 'ctrl+5',
    command: 'workbench.view.extensions'





  • Ctrl+Shift+P, F1 Show Command Palette
  • Ctrl+P Quick Open, Go to File…
  • Ctrl+Shift+N New window/instance
  • Ctrl+Shift+W Close window/instance
  • Ctrl+, User Settings
  • Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts


  • 显示/隐藏左侧目录栏 ctrl + b
  • 控制台终端显示与隐藏:ctrl + ~
  • 新建一个窗口 : ctrl + shift + n
  • ctrl+ shift + f 全局搜索 (需要光标在资源管理器才可)
  • 拆分编辑器 : ctrl + \
  • 光标选择拆分编辑器的组合 Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group
  • 切换窗口 Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ Focus into previous/next editor group
  • 关闭编辑器窗口 : ctrl + w
  • 关闭所有窗口 : ctrl + k + w
  • 打开快捷键设定: ctrl + k ctrl + s


  • 切換本窗口固定的文件:ctrl + tab (建议主加)
  • 打开最近打开的文件夹:ctrl + r
  • 打开新的命令窗:ctrl + shift + c
  • 打开文件所在文件加: ctrl + o
  • 打开文件所在更目录的文件夹:ctrl + k,ctrl + o

fold 快捷命令:

  • 折叠当前: ctrl + shift + [
  • 打开折叠: ctrl + shift + ]
  • 折叠区域内代码的快捷键: ctrl + k ctrl + 0-9 (0 是完全折叠)
  • 展开所有折叠区域代码快捷键: ctrl + k ctrl + j
  • 折叠区域内 level1 代码的快捷键: ctrl + k ctrl + 1
  • 折叠区域内 level2 代码的快捷键: ctrl + k ctrl + 2
  • 折叠区域内 level3 代码的快捷键: ctrl + k ctrl + 3


  • 光标跳到下一个单词: ctrl+ LEFT/RIGHT
  • 光标移动到行首或者行末:home/end
  • 向上滚动和向下滚动 Ctrl+↑ / ↓
  • 快速回到顶部或底部: ctrl + home/end
  • 代码块花括号的光标移动: ctrl + shift + \
  • 切换光标从编辑器到资源管理器: ctrl + shift + E
  • 跳转到指定行 ctrl + G
  • 选择整行 ctrl + l
  • 选择所有匹配项(已选中的单词) ctrl + shift + l
  • 选中括号里的内容:命令面板找到命令 “选择括号所有内容


  • 移动选中的行 alt+ UP/DOWN
  • 从光标处选择到行或行尾: shift + home/end
  • 代码格式化:shift + alt +f
  • 选中并格式化 : ctrl + k ctrl + f
  • 复制当前行 ctrl + C
  • 剪切当前行(删除并复制) ctrl + X
  • 粘贴 ctrl + v
  • 向下复制一行 ctrl + d(快捷键自定义)
  • 删除整行 ctrl + shift + K
  • 编辑器中查找 ctrl + f
  • 编辑器中替换 ctrl + h


  • 默认主题:Solarized Dark
  • FiraCode - 编程字体



以 vue 项目为例,在项目根目录新建 jsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["src/*"],
      "core/*": ["./src/core/*"],
      "shared/*": ["./src/shared/*"],
      "compiler/*": ["./src/compiler/*"],
      "sfc/*": ["./src/sfc/*"],
      "server/*": ["./src/server/*"]
    "target": "ES6",
    "module": "es6",
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
  "include": ["src/**/*", "test/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules"]


以 vue + ts 项目为例,在项目根目录新建 tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "strict": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "allowJs": true,
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["src/*"]
  "include": [
  "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"]

vscode 配置 vue 代码片段

在 vscode 中使用 ctrl+shift+p 打开一个选项窗口,然后找到配置用户代码片段,点击进去,输入 vue.json 找到对应的配置文件点击进去,然后粘贴下面配置替换即可。



  // Place your snippets for vue here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
  // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
  // same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  "Print to console": {
    // 描述信息
    "prefix": "log", // 前缀,在文件中输入这个关键词就能生成body里面的代码段了
    "body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
    "description": "Log output to console" // 代码段详细的描述信息
  "Print to Vue.js template": {
    "prefix": "vue",
    "body": [
      "  <div class=\"$1\">$2</div>", // \是为了转义双引号,光标默认停留在$1的位置,然后输出tab键进入$2位置,依次类推,找不到$之后就直接跳到行尾
      "export default {",
      "  name: '',",
      "  components: {},",
      "  props: {},",
      "  data () {",
      "    return {}",
      "  },",
      "  computed: {},",
      "  watch: {},",
      "  created () {},",
      "  mounted () {},",
      "  methods: {}",
      "<style scoped lang=\"less\"></style>",
    "description": "generator vue template"

这个时候你在.vue 的文件中输入 vue 就会生成出下面的代码模版。

  <div class=""></div>

export default {
  name: '',
  components: {},
  props: {},
  data() {
    return {}
  computed: {},
  watch: {},
  created() {},
  mounted() {},
  methods: {}

<style scoped lang="less"></style>


进入这个网站,然后将你要生成代码块的代码片段丢到左侧位置,右侧会自动生成出对应的 vscode 的代码段,当然你也可以点击右侧上面的 tab 栏切换不同编辑器下的代码块,这里以 vscode 为例,将右侧的代码块复制粘贴到 vue.json 配置文件中,配置对应的代码前缀名称即可。


  // Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
  // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
  // same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  "Print to console": {
    "prefix": "log",
    "body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
    "description": "Log output to console"
  "watch param immediate": {
    "prefix": "im",
    "body": "immediate: true"
  "eslint disable": {
    "prefix": "esd",
    "body": "eslint-disable"
  "eslint disable line": {
    "prefix": "esdl",
    "body": "eslint-disable-line"
  "eslint disable next": {
    "prefix": "esdn",
    "body": "eslint-disable-next-line"
  "console.log a variable": {
    "prefix": "cv",
    "body": "console.log('${0}:', ${0})"
  "console.dir": {
    "prefix": "cd",
    "body": ["console.dir($1);"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"console.dir\""
  "console.error": {
    "prefix": "ce",
    "body": ["console.error($1);"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"console.error\""
  "": {
    "prefix": "ci",
    "body": ["$1);"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"\""
  "console.log": {
    "prefix": "cl",
    "body": ["console.log($1);"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"console.log\""
  "console.warn": {
    "prefix": "cw",
    "body": ["console.warn($1);"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"console.warn\""
  "debugger": {
    "prefix": "de",
    "body": ["debugger$1"],
    "description": "Code snippet for \"debugger\""
  "promise": {
    "prefix": "prom",
    "body": "return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t${1}\n});",
    "description": "Creates and returns a new Promise in the standard ES6 syntax"
  "thenCatch": {
    "prefix": "thenc",
    "body": ".then((${1:result}) => {\n\t${2}\n}).catch((${3:err}) => {\n\t${4}\n});",
    "description": "Add the .then and .catch methods to handle promises"
  "try/catch": {
    "prefix": "tc",
    "body": "try {\n\t${0}\n} catch (${1:err}) {\n\t\n}"
  "try/catch/finally": {
    "prefix": "tcf",
    "body": "try {\n\t${0}\n} catch (${1:err}) {\n\t\n} finally {\n\t\n}"
  "throw new Error": {
    "prefix": "tn",
    "body": "throw new ${0:error}"
  "class": {
    "prefix": "cla",
    "body": "class ${1:name} {\n\tconstructor (${2:arguments}) {\n\t\t${0}\n\t}\n}"
  "constructor": {
    "prefix": "con",
    "body": "constructor(${1:params}) {\n\t${0}\n}",
    "description": "Add default constructor in a class in ES6 syntax"
  "key/valuePair": {
    "prefix": "kv",
    "body": "${1:key}: ${2:'value'}",
    "description": "key/value pair"
  "forLoop": {
    "prefix": "forl",
    "body": "for (let ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:iterable}${3:.length}; ${1:i}++) {\n  ${4}\n}",
    "description": "for loop"
  "forInLoop": {
    "prefix": "fori",
    "body": "for (let ${1:key} in ${2:source}) {\n  if (${2:source}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {\n    ${3}\n  }\n}",
    "description": "for in loop"
  "forOfLoop": {
    "prefix": "foro",
    "body": "for (let ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {\n  ${3}\n}",
    "description": "for of loop"
  "ifStatement": {
    "prefix": "if",
    "body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n  ${2}\n}",
    "description": "if statement"
  "elseStatement": {
    "prefix": "el",
    "body": "else {\n  ${1}\n}",
    "description": "else statement"
  "if/elseStatement": {
    "prefix": "ife",
    "body": "if (${1:condition}) {\n  ${2}\n} else {\n  ${3}\n}",
    "description": "if/else statement"
  "elseIfStatement": {
    "prefix": "ei",
    "body": "else if (${1:condition}) {\n  ${2}\n}",
    "description": "else if statement"
  "methods": {
    "prefix": "me",
    "body": "${1:methods}: {\n\t${0}\n},"
  "watch value change": {
    "prefix": "watch:value",
    "body": [
      "watch: { ",
      "  value: { ",
      "   immediate: true, ",
      "   handler() { ",
      "    }",
      "  }",
      "}, "
    "description": ""
  "named function": {
    "prefix": "fn",
    "body": "function ${1:name} (${2:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
  "async function": {
    "prefix": "afn",
    "body": "async function (${1:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n}"
  "async arrow function": {
    "prefix": "aafn",
    "body": "async (${1:arguments}) => {\n\t${0}\n}"
  "immediately-invoked function expression": {
    "prefix": "iife",
    "body": ";(function (${1:arguments}) {\n\t${0}\n})(${2})"
  "async immediately-invoked function expression": {
    "prefix": "aiife",
    "body": ";(async (${1:arguments}) => {\n\t${0}\n})(${2})"


  // Place your snippets for vue here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
  // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
  // same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  "Print to console": {
    // 描述信息
    "prefix": "log", // 前缀,在文件中输入这个关键词就能生成body里面的代码段了
    "body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
    "description": "Log output to console" // 代码段详细的描述信息
  "Print to Vue.js template": {
    "prefix": "vue",
    "body": [
      "  <div class=\"$1\">$2</div>", // \是为了转义双引号,光标默认停留在$1的位置,然后输出tab键进入$2位置,依次类推,找不到$之后就直接跳到行尾
      "export default {",
      "  name: '',",
      "  components: {},",
      "  props: {},",
      "  data() {",
      "    return {}",
      "  },",
      "  computed: {},",
      "  watch: {},",
      "  created() {},",
      "  mounted() {},",
      "  methods: {}",
      "<style scoped lang=\"scss\">\n\n</style>",
    "description": "generator vue template"
  "vue3 template": {
    "prefix": "vue3",
    "body": [
      "  <div class=\"$1\"></div>",
      "<script setup>\n\n</script>",
      "<style lang=\"scss\" scoped>\n\n</style>"
    "description": "vue3 template"


yanyue404 avatar Sep 09 '20 08:09 yanyue404