Structure-SLAM-PointLine copied to clipboard
文件中用string strFile = string(argv[3]) + "/rgb.txt";
did you solve it? how can I find rgb.txt? in my case originally rgb.txt doesn't exist in dataset
did you solve it? how can I find rgb.txt? in my case originally rgb.txt doesn't exist in dataset
i found that the timestamp in groundtruth file is in the format below, so i made a rgb.txt in this format.
0.1 rgb/0.png
1 rgb/1.png
2 rgb/2.png
3 rgb/3.png
4 rgb/4.png
5 rgb/5.png
6 rgb/6.png
But I'm not sure if it is correct, because when i testing this system, it just breakdown after importing maybe 10 pictures~
I will reopen this issue, maybe others can give more advice~
It looks like the LoadImages() function is very similar to the of ORBSLAM2. So the rgb.txt should follow the same syntax of rgb.txt of TUM Dataset.
tested with fr1/xyz dataset and it works fine.
an example of rgb.txt from fr1/xyz:
# color images
# file: 'rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_xyz.bag'
# timestamp filename
1305031102.175304 rgb/1305031102.175304.png
1305031102.211214 rgb/1305031102.211214.png
1305031102.243211 rgb/1305031102.243211.png
1305031102.275326 rgb/1305031102.275326.png
1305031102.311267 rgb/1305031102.311267.png
1305031102.343233 rgb/1305031102.343233.png
And the timestamps should be in seconds with the interval matching the fps. 30fps for TUM and ICL-NUIM.
For the ICL dataset, their association.txt files may need to be modified. Make sure to provide rgb and depth images for the correct entries in the file
For the ICL dataset, their association.txt files may need to be modified. Make sure to provide rgb and depth images for the correct entries in the file
it looks like this in association.txt 0 depth/0.png 0 rgb/0.png 1 depth/1.png 1 rgb/1.png 2 depth/2.png 2 rgb/2.png 3 depth/3.png 3 rgb/3.png 4 depth/4.png 4 rgb/4.png 5 depth/5.png 5 rgb/5.png 6 depth/6.png 6 rgb/6.png 7 depth/7.png 7 rgb/7.png 8 depth/8.png 8 rgb/8.png 9 depth/9.png 9 rgb/9.png
Do you mean to convert it to the same format as TUM?
Hello, may I ask if this system can run with only RGB images as input without depth information?