DDPG-Keras-Torcs copied to clipboard
Some error when running on tensorflow1.1.0 and Keras2.0.5
When I tried the code under Keras2.0.3 and tensorflow1.1.0, some error occurs. Python version is 3.5.2
When I execute the command "python ddpg.py" The detail imformation is shown below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ddpg.py", line 10, in
I cannot sovle this problem. And I want to konw that which part should I modify if I want to run it correctly and why?
Thank you very much!!!
Comment out the from keras.engine.training import collect_trainable_weights line, I did not see it being used anywhere in the code.
sudo pip install keras==1.1.0
I had same problem too.
I modified HIDDEN1_UNITS=150 and HIDDEN2_UNITS=300,then is no problem.but i do not know why.At the same time, the car don't trained or tested,Can you tell me?