Sergei Ianovich
Sergei Ianovich
я тогда создам динамические с помощью `OBJ_add_object()`? придётся немного с инициализацией engine повозиться.
`node.js` видит шифроалгоритмы, только если они есть и в старых объектах, и в новых. это работает для всех алгоритмов default провайдера. для gost работает, если одновременно подключить и движок, и...
когда всё заработает, можно будет сделать большой рефакторинг и убрать в провайдере обёртку движка. это проще будет сделать для всех алгоритмов за раз
Here is the diff between original state and the fixed one: ``` $ cat .gitignore *.ts *.o *.o.d *.a *.bin a.out compiler_depend.* bin/ Testing/ $ git diff diff --git a/CMakeFiles/gost_engine.dir/build.make...
There are possible use cases on linux. E.g., the official docker image of `node.js` is built by statically linking against `libcrypto.a`. `` just works there with this patch and normal...
Please restart cancelled checks. They failed in `` by `curl` timeout.
Maybe I am wrong to call this type of linking `static`. It is inverse dynamic. GNU `ld` loads the engine then verifies that all symbol are resolved. Without my patch...
> Agree. I discussed this slightly with @ldv-alt and he suggests that this should be build time option — as ALT certainly will not use this feature. I don't understand...
Check here: > However, talking to Coreboot developers did solve one mystery - that of the Management Engine showing up under the stock firmware but not under Coreboot. In...
> When your plan is to allow applications built against to load engines linked against, I am sorry, but I'm sure that your plan is bound to fail....