Yann Dupis
Yann Dupis
## Context We are now able to support simple models (e.g logistic regression) with tfe.keras #606. See [this notebook](https://github.com/tf-encrypted/tf-encrypted/blob/master/examples/notebooks/keras-training/Logistic%20Regression.ipynb) as an example. We would like to add the following basic...
## Context With the PR #571, in order to convert a TF Keras model into TFE Keras model we have implemented the methods: - [`model_from_config`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/models/model_from_config) - [`from_config`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/Sequential#from_config) - [`clone_model`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/models/clone_model) We...
In the keras code base they use [tf.TensorShape](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/TensorShape) at different places, for example [here](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.13/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/core.py#L983). We should consider using [tf.TensorShape](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/TensorShape) as well, so we can handle properly partially-known shapes and unknown...
Currently, in TF Encrypted, the Dense layer only supports input with a rank equal to 2. However in Keras, the [Dense layer](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/Dense) can support input with a rank greater than...
In [Part 2 tutorial](https://github.com/OpenMined/PySyft-TensorFlow/blob/master/examples/Part%2002%20-%20Intro%20to%20Private%20Training%20with%20Remote%20Execution.ipynb), for custom when including a Dropout layer in the custom model (`tf.keras.models.Model` subclassing), we were getting the following error when sending the model to a worker...
If you look at [Part 2 tutorial](https://github.com/OpenMined/PySyft-TensorFlow/blob/master/examples/Part%2002%20-%20Intro%20to%20Private%20Training%20with%20Remote%20Execution.ipynb), for custom models (`tf.keras.models.Model`), before sending the model to the worker, we need to run `model.predict(dummy_data)` to set the input_shape ( required by...
### Description We'd like to add [Callback](https://keras.io/callbacks/) support so we can custom training. Currently when passing to fit, it doesn't work because we don't have generic serde support for callbacks....
### Description We would like to be able to train a model with dp-sgd from [TF Privacy](https://github.com/tensorflow/privacy). However these custom optimizers (e.g. [DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer](https://github.com/tensorflow/privacy/blob/2007aac912faadbf0ae3af206f3fa100284b8e23/tutorials/mnist_dpsgd_tutorial_keras.py#L121)) are not supported out of the box...
In https://github.com/tf-encrypted/moose/pull/1051, we have implemented an initial implementation of square root using `log2` and `pow2`. Instead we would you to implement the algorithm described in the whitepaper which is similar...
In the last few months, we have added lots of operation. We would like to assess the completeness for each operations in terms of types we support. [TODO] give more...