
Results 80 comments of yann300

How should we tell users which features come with enabling the AI? (msg in the tooltip, link to documentation, .. ?)

could you add a matomo call for all the actions? (click on doc, explain code, explain contract, activate AI, deactivate AI, etc...)

> and then some action should be executed what kind of action do you have in mind? @kwkr

hmm ok so you could: - write a ts script, that wll act as your `command` ( your plugin can just put this script in the file system). then users...

what would be ideal syntax for running these custom commands from the terminal?

the command would then run a function from a plugin right? would commands accept parameters? how?

we are working on something that would allow to load libs dynamically. > and want some libraries to be available within the terminal. you mean NPM library right? @kwkr

Thanks for raising that issue, are you using metamask or can you describe how you are connecting remix to mainet?

After releasing in a drop zone, the modal doesn't sometimes show the right files name. Also when releasing it tries take in account the actual file that the mouse is...

Sure we can do something. where would live `zksync.js`? would this be part of a npm module or a helper that would be located in the remix file system?