drupal-vim copied to clipboard
a drupal-friendly vim configuration
Drupal-vim is a simple drupal-friendy vim configuration example.
- ctags to generate tags for your project
- xdebug to use the debugger
It provides :
- drupal indentation style
- hooks autocompletion
- php statements autocompletion
- tags to jump to a function declaration like in Eclipse
- a php debugger
It contains two simple bash scripts to :
- generate tags for a project with Ctags (that will be stored to ~/.vim/tags directory)
- generate a dictionary for a project (that will be stored in dictionnaries directory).
You can check also "vimrc" project on drupal.org that now provides a vim plugin for Drupal.
- download "drupal-vim" to your home folder
- ln -s drupal-vim .vim (or rename to "drupal-vim" to ".vim")
- ln -s drupal-vim/vimrc .vimrc
PLUG-INS : vim-pathogen : clean installation / removal of plug-ins nerdtree : efficient and simple file explorer in a sidebar windows as in IDEs vcscommand : git, svn or other cvs support snipMate : a nice snippet generator : just type "hook_menu", press tab and it will generate a hook_menu for you :-) nerdcommenter : easy comment / uncomment taglist : list functions of a files in a sidebar window debugger : a debugger client for xdebug CSapprox : allow most of gvim colorsheme work on vim too.
Sources and inspiration :
- D6 snippets from https://github.com/theunraveler/Drupal-Snippets-for-Vim
- D7 snippets from https://github.com/blup/snippets
- vim as a php editor : http://zmievski.org/2007/02/vim-for-php-programmers-slides-and-resources.
- a simple and efficient vimrc : http://groups.drupal.org/node/4088
- snipMate snippets for Drupal 7 : https://github.com/blup/snippets
- nice vimrc : https://github.com/akitaonrails/vimfiles/blob/master/vimrc