IMU_Cam_LiDAR_driver copied to clipboard
For the data recording of Xsens IMU, Zed stereo camera and VLP16 LiDAR
For the data recording of Xsens IMU, Zed stereo camera and VLP16 LiDAR
Yulin Yang from [email protected]
Instruction for configuring xsens IMU, zed camera, velodyne LiDAR and Loitor vi-sensor
driver download:
- For velodyne: (recommended, with rviz for display) github velodyne driver, ROS support for Velodyne 3D LIDARs
- For zed camera:(recommended, with detailed instruciton for sensor configuration) github rpng zed_cpu_ros, no need to install cuda
- For xsens driver github ethz-asl (recommended)
github xsens website (detailed instruction for sensor configuratioin)
- For Loitor vi-sensor
github loitor visensor (including docs and instructions)
build drivers:
- setup the ros work space, like
~/catkin_ws_data with subfolders
download all the source code into the folder of src;
catkin build
Note: If missing any libs, just find out and install.
check sensors
- Xsens IMU
1.1) setup the sensor
rosrun xsens_driver -m $sm -f $fs # publish sensor data
where $fs can be 1,5,10,20,40,50,80,100,200 or 400Hz. This configures the MTi to output inertial data and magnetometer data at the set ODR. The maximum supported inertial update rate is 400Hz and for the magnetometer it is 100Hz. The $sm can be set to 1,2 or 3. This can be used to set the sensor to output sensor data or filter outputs.
1.2) start xsens IMU
%newgrp dialout
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch xsens_driver xsens_driver.launch
1.3) check the imu data
rostopic echo /imu/data
- Zed camera
2.1) setup the sensor (note that zed need high speed USB port USB3.0)
all the parameters needed for setting up are in the launch file (the frequency, the calibration parameters)
2.2) roslaunch zed_cpu_ros zed_cpu_ros.launch
2.3) check the camera images
- Velodyne LiDAR
3.1) roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch
3.2) check the lidar data
3.3) adjust the frequency of the LiDAR
Login the LiDAR following the manual and set the rpm as 60 * n Hz. n is the frequency you want.
Go to the Launch file and change the rpm as 60 * n Hz. n is the frequency.
There you go. It is ready for you to get data.
Be sure to check the batteray and the frequency of the LiDAR
- Loitor vi-sensor
4.1) sudo -s
4.2) sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
4.3) rosrun loitor_stereo_visensor loitor_stereo_visensor src/IMU_Cam_LiDAR_driver/vi_sensor_sdk/loitor_ros_workspace/src/loitor_stereo_visensor/Loitor_VISensor_Setups.txt
4.4) check the topics
rostopic echo /imu0
rostopic echo /cam0/iamge_raw
rosbag record data
TODO: write a launch file to launch all the sensors together
- record IMU, Camera and LiDAR data with selected rostopics
rosbag record -O icl_xx /imu/data /camera/left/image_raw /camera/right/image_raw /velodyne_points
- record Camera and LiDAR with selected rostopics
rosbag record -O cl_xx /camera/left/image_raw /camera/right/image_raw /velodyne_points
- record IMU and Camera data
rosbag record -O ic_xx /imu/data /camera/left/image_raw /camera/right/image_raw
- record all the messages from IMU, Camera and LiDAR
rosbag record -a
- record all the messages from camera and LiDAR
rosbag record -a
- record all the messages from IMU and Camera
rosbag record -a
- record all the messages from loitor vi-sensor, zed camera and LiDAR
rosbag record -O vcl_xx /imu0 /cam0/image_raw /cam1/image_raw /camera/right/image_raw /camera/left/image_raw /velodyne_points
- record messages from loitor vi-sensor, zed camera and LiDAR
rosbag record -O test1 /imu0 /cam0/image_raw /cam1/image_raw /camera/right/image_raw /camera/left/image_raw /velodyne_points /tf /velodyne_nodelet_manager/bond /velodyne_nodelet_manager_cloud/parameter_descriptions /velodyne_nodelet_manager_cloud/parameter_updates /velodyne_nodelet_manager_driver/parameter_descriptions /velodyne_nodelet_manager_driver/parameter_updates /velodyne_packets
data check
For check the rostopic:
rostopic list
For display the topic
rostopic echo \imu0
For display the image
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/left/image_raw
For display the pointcloud real time