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:coffee:Parallel programming course at Peking University


Parallel programming course at Peking University

Yes We Code


  1. Homeworks and Projects
  • Nine times of homeworks, both my homeworks and my partner Shiyao Li's homeworks. These homeworks including Pthreads, MPI and CUDA Parallel Programming Interface, and Fortran/C Programming Language.

  • Yao Hong's homeworks. Yao Hong

  • Reference Codes and Training Materials are come from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which written by Blaise Barney. Thanks a lot for the open resource.

  • My first and second CUDA Programs.

  • Example codes of my Lectures on HPC to Prof. Shan Tang's group.

  • We Gratefully Acknowledge Associate Prof. Hua-shan Yu from School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science at Peking University for his help both in course and final project.

  1. Reference Material's Programs
  • Peter Pacheco's Book (An introduction to Parallel Programming)'s Materials. Codes of each chapter.
  • Other materials will be updated in the future.
  1. Reference Papers
  • Ristov S, Prodan R, Gusev M, et al. Superlinear speedup in HPC systems: Why and when?[C]. federated conference on computer science and information systems, 2016: 889-898.


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